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“See you.”

I end the call, rotating the bottle and reading the complicated drug name a few times before tucking the pills back in the box then leaving it on the counter.

I drop the blanket at my mom’s and get back to the bookstore, and as the day continues, I find it difficult not to think about that orange bottle. It feels ridiculous, because there are any number of reasons someone might receive medication in the mail. Simple things. Uncomplicated things. It’s probably something for migraines or blood pressure.

Eventually, though, I succumb to my curiosity and look it up…only to then feel evenmorecurious. Why is Reid taking something to manage seizures?

By the time I get home after closing up the bookstore and picking up Junie, it’s almost seven, and I have to move quickly to manage dinner and bath time and get my girl tucked into bed. As soon as Junie is asleep, I grab the package off the counter and head next door.

Reid and I haven’t done more than say hello to each other since the night we fooled around on his couch, and that was a over a week ago. It’s been understandably awkward since he basically gave me an orgasm then said nothing had changed.

Not basically.

That’sexactlywhat happened.

What Iwasn’texpecting was for Reid to be the one to pull back. He’s been distant, more than I would normally expect from him, and in some ways, it has been a relief. But in others, it’s been…well, maybe not a nightmare, but definitely far from a dream.

I knock on his door, and when he opens it, his brow furrows.

“Why are you knocking on my front door?”

I chuckle awkwardly. “I don’t know. I just…felt like that was what I should do.”

He nods, his eyes falling to the box in my hands. I see the shift in his expression immediately.

“Is that my package?”

I glance down at it then thrust it forward, like I did something wrong by opening it when really and truly, it was just an accident.

“It got left at my door by mistake,” I tell him.

“And you opened it?”

I nod. “I did. I’m so sorry. I was on the phone and I wasn’t paying attention…”

“Obviously, or you would have realized it says my name, right here, in huge letters.”

Blinking, I take a step back, surprised by his bristly attitude. I’ve never actually heard Reid…angry before.

“I said I’m sorry.”

He scrubs at his jaw, the irritation evident in his every movement. Then he sighs.

“Thanks for bringing it over.”

We stand there for a minute, and I war with myself. Should I ask him? Part of me knows I shouldn’t, knows I’ve already violated his privacy, first by opening the package andthenby searching for information about its contents.

But I have to know.

“Do you…I mean…that medication is for seizures, right?”

Reid licks his lips then chuckles, but there’s absolutely no humor in it. “I’m assuming that’s what it said when you searched online.”

My response is slow as I try to read his mood. “It is.”

He shrugs, his expression flat. “So then why are you asking me?”

Before I can say anything else, he shuts the door in my face.

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