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“You want to come over and watch a movie or something tonight?” I ask as I hoist the cooler onto my front porch then return to Busy’s SUV to grab her beach chairs. “I have that nice new air conditioning,” I add, sing-songing the last few words to sweeten the deal.

Busy laughs.

“And before you say no, remember that Junie is going to sleep like a rock, and you’re going to be literally fifteen feet away with the baby monitor on at full volume.”

She licks her lips as she unbuckles Junie from her car seat and helps her out, and I can tell she’s at leastconsideringit.

“Let me think about it,” she says. “I’ll see how I feel after I’ve showered and changed and gotten this one to bed, okay?”

“Sounds good. Just text me.”

We say our goodbyes and head to our respective cabins, and I spend a good fifteen minutes getting the sand and dirt off of Sydney before I head inside to do the same for myself. There’s something exceptional about rinsing off your body and washing up after a long day in the sun. The air feels more crisp and clean.

I make a quick chicken salad for dinner then do a brief walkaround to pick up some loose things here and there. When Busy’s text comes in, I’m almost embarrassed by how quickly I yank my phone out of my pocket.

Busy: So what movie are we watching?

I grin then send off a quick reply.

Me: Your pick

Busy: Well I’m in for a rom-com, so buckle up

I chuckle and send a thumbs-up then head into the kitchen to throw a bag of popcorn into the microwave. I’m just dumping it into a bowl when I hear Busy’s gentle knock at the screen door.

“Come on in,” I call out, and I hear the door squeak as she walks inside.

“God it feelsamazingin here,” she says. “You weren’t kidding.”

“Right? Total game changer.”

I glance over my shoulder to tell her I made a snack, but the words die on my tongue when I see her.

Fuck, she’s gorgeous.

She’s wearing a loose tank top and a pair of cotton sleep shorts—nothing too scandalous. In fact, I’ve seen her in less, but something about seeing her in the outfit she probably wears to bed makes my blood begin to heat in my veins.

“Ooooh, popcorn,” she says, dropping a small bag on the couch and stepping up to the island, a smile on her face. She picks up the box off the counter and examines it. “No salt, no oil, no butter.” Her eyes rise to mine, an amused expression flickering behind them. “Going wild tonight,Misery.”

I smirk and pick up a few pieces, chucking them in my mouth and letting out a dramaticMmmmmmm. Busy laughs.

Picking up the bowl, I exit the kitchen and head to the couch. “I’ll ignore your veiled insult against my popcorn.”

She snorts as we both take a seat. “Veiled? I was being as unveiled as possible.”

“I’ll just keep this delicious treat to myself, then,” I joke, tucking the bowl in the arm furthest from her and shoving another handful in my mouth.

“How will Ieverrecover?” she asks, just before tugging a bag of M&Ms from her own bag.

“Alright, sassy pants, let’s just pick a movie, huh?”

We spend a few minutes browsing around, ultimately settling on one that came out earlier this year about a singer falling for an older woman. Not necessarily the vibes I would go for if I were enjoying a movie night on my own, but for Busy? I’ve got nothing but time to watch any romantic comedy she wants.

As the movie progresses, I find myself increasingly distracted by the woman next to me. First by that scent she’s always wearing—I’ve determined it definitelyisjasmine—then by the way she puts her hair up in a messy bun on the top of her head, exposing more of her skin that’s been gently kissed by the sun.

She’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. But it’s notjustthat she’s beautiful—because that will fade. So much about our bodies fades over time. I know that better than anyone. It’s also how kind and warm she is, how she’s an amazing mother to Junie.

And the way I laugh with her is…well, it’s second to none. Because I’m not a guy who laughs often, but with her I feel like I can’t stop smiling.

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