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“I’m gonna try to get her to eat dinner then get her ready for bed,” I tell him, glancing at where Junie is already beginning to doze in my arms.

“Well, if you’re looking for something to do once she’s down,” he says, shrugging a shoulder, “maybe I can teach you to play poker.”

I lick my lips, wanting to say yes, wanting to race inside and put my daughter in her bed then return to his side for more of this feeling I get when I’m around him, like I’m a dead battery getting plugged in.

But before I can get ahead of myself, I’m already shaking my head. “I think I’m pretty beat, too. I’m gonna take advantage of Junie’s early night and call it for myself.”

Reid nods, his hands on his hips. “Alright, well. I hope you enjoy your rest.”

“But…we’d like to join you on the hike tomorrow,” I add on. “If you’re still up for some tagalongs?”

His smile grows and he crosses his arms. “I’d love that.”

“We’re not huge hikers, though, and I’m gonna assume hiking with a toddler is a very different game than hiking with friends.”

He’s already shaking his head. “Don’t even worry about it. I’ve done hikes with Nina and Leo. I know it takes forever.”

I chuckle. “Okay, well…just text me the details and I’ll make sure we’re ready to go.”

“Sounds good. Have a good night, Busy.”

I give Reid a small smile then turn, heading back up to the house and inside. I make a few sandwich bites for Junie, which she eats without complaint, even if she starts dozing as she does, her mouth chewing slowly and her head lolling forward before jerking back up as she tries to stay awake.

Once she’s finished eating, we do a quick tub before I finally get her settled in bed. Then, I finally get to think about myself, and whatmyselfneeds is a nice long shower before I crawl into my own bed and collapse.

I do a quick pick-up, cleaning Junie’s high chair and putting away all the sandwich supplies before I hop into the shower, turning my face into the water and bracing my hands against the tile wall. The exhaustion finally catches up with me as my sluggish brain attempts to reflect on the long day. Marie’s, work, and swimming have sapped all the energy out of me.

Though I’m clearly notsoexhausted that I feel like I can’t do the hike tomorrow with Reid.

I roll my eyes. Didn’t Ijusttell myself it would be far too easy to fall for him? What happened to all those mental pep talks with reminders of how important it is not to be too risky?

And then there’s the fact that he still talks regularly with his ex-wife. Younger Busy wouldn’t have seen any of this as a problem. The idea of hooking up with my neighbor who is still friends with his ex? No biggie.

Now, though, I can see that it’s messy. So, so messy.

I growl at myself and rest my forehead against the wall. I’vegotto get over this stupid crush. It’s a mistake. Reid is just a nice guy who is being nice and friendly and neighborly, and I’m over here in my head, hyperaware of his hands and irritated at his ex-wife for knowing I live next door. Tomorrow is a friendly hike in the woods. Just a friendly hike.

I turn and tilt my head back, enjoying the water as it beats down on me. Then I begin to wash away the lake water, first from my hair, then from my body.

But that proves to be a mistake as well. The feeling of my soapy hands roving over my skin sends a thrum of need racing through me that I haven’t felt in…quite some time.

Before I can think better of it, my mind pictures Reid helping me put my bed together again, but it’s just the two of us in the house, his strong muscles working as he hoists a thick bed frame into place and then sets my mattress into it.

“Want help breaking it in?”

I shake my head, knowing he wouldn’t say anything so obvious. Reid is a softer animal, gentler. I can tell, just from the way he speaks to me, the way he moves his hands.

“This wood is sturdy and strong,” he says instead, tracing the grain along the footboard. “Should last a good long while.”

I crawl up onto the bed and flop onto my back then look at Reid before gently patting the spot next to me.

“Wanna help me test it out?” I ask him.

His eyes flash but he hoists himself up next to me, then lies back so we’re side by side. Our heads turn to look at each other.

“God, you’re beautiful,” he whispers, his eyes roving over my face in my mind the way I’ve seen him look at me in real life.

Then, unlike the night he pulled back as we stood in Junie’s doorway, this time, he leans in and presses his lips to mine.

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