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Seconds later, Sydney dives in behind her. The two of them have been doing this same routine over and over again for the past twenty minutes or so, without tiring in the slightest.

“Again!” Junie cries out, laughing wildly as Reid swims her over to the dock and hoists her back up.

I glance over to where Sydney is paddling toward the shoreline, trying desperately to catch up. Junie’s energy andspeed just can’t be matched, and as soon as she’s back on her feet, dripping with water, she totters away. Then she turns around and races right back, barely giving Reid enough time to prepare for her before she launches into the water again.

“I think you’re raising a fish,” Reid jokes as Junie giggles in his arms.

I nod from where I’m sitting at the edge of the dock, my feet dangling ankle deep in the water. “I think you’re right. It’s probably time to start with some swimming lessons.”

I’ve been thinking about it ever since we moved back. With such easy access to the lake, the best thing I can do for her is make sure she knows how to swim as quickly as possible.

Reid lifts Junie up above his head, and she squeals again as he chucks her into the air then drops back down with a splash.

“Though I’m not sureI’mready for it even ifsheis.”

“Well…I taught both Nina and Leo how to swim,” he says, floating slowly on his back over to the dock again. “If you want, I can teach Junie.”

I’m floored by his offer, and I swish my feet in the water, the mental image of Reid teaching Junie to swim fluttering through my mind.

“But no pressure,” he adds just as he lifts Junie back up onto the dock.

I shake my head. “Sorry, I was just… That’s so generous of you. Thank you for offering. Can I think about it?”

“Absolutely. And if you’d be more comfortable having someone else teach her, I completely understand.”

Licking my lips, I let out a sigh. “It’s not about comfort, I just…have a hard time accepting help from people,” I say, far more honestly than I intend. Something about talking with Reid brings that honesty out in me. “I came home, intending to do all these things on my own, and it feels like I’ve done nothing but step back and let other people do things for me.”

Reid flicks some water at me, the droplets hitting my legs where they hang over the edge.

“I wouldn’t offer if I didn’t mean it,” he says, his lips tilted up at the sides.

The pitter-patter of Sydney’s feet sounds as she comes barreling down the dock then launches past me, and a few seconds later Junie’s footsteps follow suit. I tuck my hands underneath my thighs, feeling a pinch in my chest at the way Reid smiles at my daughter, at how bright he is, how present. Like she’s deserving of his attention.

If only Jay felt that way. If only he felt even a fraction of what seems to come so naturally for Reid.

After a few more jumps into the water, I can tell my girl’s energy is fading. “I think it might be time to head in and get some dinner and go to bed,” I say, taking a slightly sluggish Junie from Reid and bringing her little body in snuggled against mine. “Are we getting sleepy?” I ask her.

Junie shakes her head even as her eyes begin to droop, and I chuckle under my breath.

Then I about swallow my tongue as Reid hoists himself out of the lake and up onto the dock, his muscles bunching and flexing with the movement, and I can’t help the way my eyes scan over his near-perfect physique. I can’t remember the last time I watched a body like this, with such rapt attention to detail. It’s as if I’m magnetized to him and can’t look away.

Which is, of course, when I realize Reid is watching me watch him, and I look back at Junie in my arms, feeling completely mortified. The man was literally just being a sweetheart and playing with my daughter, and I’m over here just…basically drooling.

Grow up, Busy.

“Well, thanks for hanging out with us,” I say, turning slightly and trying to figure out how I’m going to stand up with Junie in my arms.

“Here, let me help.”

Before I can say or do anything, Reid’s hands are under my arms and he lifts me so I’m standing. His hands brace me, making sure I’m balanced.

“You good?”

I swallow thickly then clear my throat. “Yeah. I’m good.”

Even though I could feel your fingers barely grazing the edge of my breasts.

Shoving that thought aside, I turn around so I’m facing Reid, hoping any kind of pink in my cheeks can be explained by our time in the sun.

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