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I chuckle, especially at the furniture jab, and we both walk out to the kitchen, finding Junie using a brush on Sydney, combing her hair gently.

“Here, Sinny,” she says, her voice quiet, almost like she’s telling Sydney a secret. “You’re a princess, too.”

Then she puts her own crown on Sydney’s head, and my heart melts just a bit.

“Sorry I couldn’t be more help,” I say, tugging my attention away from Junie and back to Busy at my side. I slip my hands into my pockets. “But once you get the new bed frame, let me know. I’ll help you get it set up.”

Busy nods. “Thanks. I appreciate it.”

We stand there for a few minutes, just watching Junie as she continues swiping a brush through Sydney’s fur, talking quietly to the dog about who knows what. She really is a sweet kid, and I can’t help the frustration that bubbles up at the reminder that she has a dad out there somewhere who doesn’t care enough to visit his daughter for her birthday.

“Hey, listen,” I say, turning to Busy, my mind mulling over the conversation I overheard.

But when she looks my way and I spot the faint hint of redness from her earlier tears, I realize I can’t say anythingabout what I heard. Who knows if it might make her cry even more, and the last thing I ever want to do is make Busy cry.

I lick my lips, suddenly scrambling for something to say, something to ask.

“I’m heading out on a hike on Saturday morning. You and Junie wanna join me?” I don’t know exactly why I asked, especially when I keep telling myself I need to spendlesstime with Busy, and this is the exact opposite of that. But I can’t seem to help it.

She gives me a tired smile. “Can I think about it? I might need to work some this weekend because the bookstore is openingnextweekend, so I’m not sure how it will all shake out.”

I nod. “Yeah. Just let me know.”

Something occurs to me then.

“And actually, I should probably give you my number. That way you can just text me one way or the other.”

Busy blinks but then pulls her phone out of her back pocket. She unlocks the screen and hands it to me, and I punch in my number. When I pass it back, I see her give me a call and feel my own phone buzz in my pocket.

“And now you have my number, too.”

It’s the simplest thing in the world, but still, I can’t help the spark of excitement I feel at knowing her number is in my phone.

We stand there for another beat or two before I realize I need to head out or else I’m at risk of asking her something stupid, like if she wants to meet me out on the deck for a beer after she puts Junie to sleep for the night.

I clear my throat. “Alright, Sydney. Let’s go.”

Sydney looks up at me with the saddest eyes I’ve ever seen, and I laugh at how ridiculously pathetic she looks.

“Let’s go,” I say again, and she finally gets up, walks over to the screen door, and waits patiently.

“I’ll see you later Miss Junie.”

Busy snatches Junie up as she tries to race past us, and she squeals, the sweet sound piercing something inside my chest.

“Say good night to Sydney,” Busy says.

“Night Sinny!” Junie calls out.

“And good night to Mr. Reid.”

“Night Misery!”

We both laugh, and Busy shrugs. “She’s still learning her ‘st’ sound.”

I grin and shake my head. “What a nickname.”

“Have a good night, Misery,” Busy says teasingly.

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