Page 9 of Journey

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Dr. Young’s expression turns serious. “Aaron?”

“Who else would it be?” I snap, cracking my knuckles with each step I take.

“Why did you send Wren away?” she asks me.

“Because she was about to go all goo goo ga ga over a dude that needs his ass kicked from here to Timbuktu,” I snarl. Rage boils my blood. “I swear, if I ever see him, he’s toast.”

“Did he hurt her?” Dr. Young asks.

Leave it to a woman to ask a ridiculous fucking question. “Of course, he hurt her. I wouldn’t be here if he hadn’t.”

“Okay,” she says calmly. “Why don’t you sit down, and we can talk about what happened and why you feel like Wren needs you to protect her from him?”

I stare at her, scowling. “You know I don’t sit. Fuck, Doc, you’d think you’d remember that after all these years.”

“And you know I’ll keep trying,” she counters.

“Can we get back to our session?” I bark. “I’ve got shit to do.”

“Sure.” Dr. Young leans back in her chair. “So, tell me about the man who hurt Wren.”

“He’s a biker douchebag,” I snarl. “A real wham bam, thank you, ma’am kinda prick.”

“Ah,” she says as if I just unlocked all the mysteries of the universe. “Now it’s making sense.”

“‘Bout time,” I grumble.

“So, Wren had a one-night stand, and you’re upset because you think she wants more than that.”

“I know she does. Me and the others have had to hear about it for days.”

“Aaron, are you angry at the guy because he left her wanting more, or are you angry at Wren because you want her for yourself?”

Without thinking, I lunge toward Dr. Young and wrap my hand around her throat.

How dare she accuse me of being jealous.

Her eyes widen with fear, but she quickly masks it and gently rests her hand on my forearm. Our gazes lock, and for a moment,I pray for the life to drain out of her. My mind spirals, and I blink rapidly.

“Oh my heavens.” I drop my hand and tears well in my eyes. “Dr. Young, I am so sorry. I tried to stop him sooner, but you know how he gets.”

“I do… Peg.”

“I can assure you, Aaron will be dealt with.”

“I appreciate that, Peg, but you don’t need to punish him.”

“You know I can’t ignore such blatantly violent behavior,” I explain. “Aaron may be a grown man, but I swear, sometimes he acts like a super-sized child throwing temper tantrums.”

Dr. Young chuckles as she rubs her throat. The marks from where Aaron tried to choke her are slowly disappearing, but my disappointment in him isn’t.

“Let me ask you, Peg,” Dr. Young begins. “How do you feel about the man Wren met?”

“He’s no good for our Wren,” I say matter-of-factly. “No good at all.”

“Why do you say that?”

“For heaven’s sake, he’s in a biker gang!”

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