Page 59 of Journey

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“Who the fuck is that?” Jester demands just as the front door crashes open and gunfire erupts.

My knees buckle, and I slide to the floor. I glance around at my surroundings and recognize them as a closet I would hide in sometimes when I was a little girl, but I have no memory of how I got here. The last thing I remember is being on the side of the road after Journey was knocked unconscious.

Silence fills the air, and it hits me that the gunfire has stopped. I’m too afraid to move, so I remain still and wait for some indication that I’m alone.

“Wren, sweetheart, where are you?”

“Journey?” I ask quietly. “Journey, is that you?”

The closet door opens, and light filters in. Journey blocks most of it with his giant frame, and he looks like an avenging angel as he reaches for my hand.

“Come here,” he says, pulling me to my feet. I throw myself at him, and he lifts me off the floor. “Are you okay?”

I nod against his chest. “Yeah. I am now.”

“Are you sure? Because I can kill ‘em again if they hurt you.”

Leaning to the side, I spot my captors on the floor, blood leaking from holes in their heads.

“One of them slapped me, I think,” I admit. “I don’t remember it, but my face is sore like I’ve been hit.”

He pushes me away from him without taking his hands off my arms so he can look at my face. “Motherfuckers,” he mutters as he lifts his gun and shoots all three of them in the crotch.

“What was that for?” I ask, curious.

Journey shrugs. “Made me feel better.”

I can’t help but laugh at the matter-of-fact way he says that. “There were six of them, weren’t there?”

“Yep. We got them, too,” he informs me. “And your dad is back at the clubhouse.”

I stiffen. “Why?”

“Because one bullet to the head is too good for him.” He smirks. “Bastard already has a few in his legs, but he’s breathing.”

“Do I have to see him?”

“Not if you don’t want to. But Crow’s cool with it if you wanna join in on the fun. After all the man put you through, you deserve some justice.”

“Can I decide when we get there?”


Facing my father is all I can think about on the ride to the clubhouse, and all too soon, I have to make up my mind.

“What’s it gonna be, Wren?” Journey asks as he leads me down the hallway to a steel door. “You can stay up here or come down with me and face your demons.”

“What if I switch in the middle of it?”

“Then you do. All I ask is that it’s Aaron who comes out,” Journey teases. “Dude could help fuck some shit up, I think.”

I smack him playfully, knowing he’s only kidding around. I’ve learned to joke about my alters when the mood needs a little lightening.

I think about it for a minute longer before nodding. “I’m in.”

Journey presses a kiss to my lips and then leads me through the door and down a set of concrete stairs. We stop in front of a monitor, and when I see my father strung up by chains attached to the ceiling, I gasp.

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