Page 49 of Journey

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“You got this.”

Journey bleeds confidence, and I soak it in. “Let’s go.”

He gets out and opens my door for me. As the three of us walk to the entrance, Journey fiddles with his tie but also keeps an arm around me, which is good because I’m pretty sure I’d fall down if I didn’t have his support.

It takes a few minutes to get through security, but all too soon, we’re escorted to a room where we’re instructed to wait.

“Breathe,” Journey encourages. “In, out, in, out.”

Crow gives me a reassuring smile. “He can’t hurt you here.”

Before I know it, the door swings open, and a guard leads my dad in and shackles him to the table.

“I’ll be just outside the door if you need me,” the guard says before leaving us all alone.

My dad glares at us. “Not a one of you is my damn lawyer.”

The man sitting across from me is not the man I remember from my childhood. I can tell he’s my father, but he’s a diminished version of him.

How the hell is he running an MC and causing so much devastation?

I clear my throat. “You don’t recognize me, do you?”

Ryan Abbott stares at me with narrowed eyes. “Should I?”

“Cut the bullshit,” Journey snaps. “I don’t buy this act for a second.”

Slowly, a sinister smile spreads across my dad’s face. “It’s nice of you to visit, Wren.”

“Gotta say, I was expecting someone more… I don’t know,” Crow comments dryly. “Just more.”

“Is that right?” Dad asks. “You’re exactly what I was expecting, Crow. Young and dumb.” He shifts his attention to Journey. “And you… She’ll figure it out soon enough.”

“Figure what out?” Journey asks.

“That you’re cut from the same cloth as her old man.”

“He’s nothing like you!” I shout, shooting to my feet. The guard knocks on the window, and I take a deep breath before sitting back down. “He’s nothing like you,” I repeat.

“Keep tellin’ yourself that. You were only five when I was hauled away, so I’m sure you don’t remember a lot, but trust me when I say you don’t know shit about shit.” He folds his hands as best he can on top of the table. “Why are you here?”

“Because, for reasons I’ll never understand, your daughter wanted to see you before you die,” Journey says.

Dad chuckles. “I’m pretty sure it’s the Soulless Kings losing this war. Or was that bomb not proof enough?”

“You’re the one behind bars, old man,” Crow counters. “Not sure how you’re gonna manage to win when your entire crew is eliminated.”

“Won’t ever happen.”

“No?” Journey taunts. “Several of your prospects are being taken out as we speak. And more will take their last breath every day until it’s your turn.”

My dad’s cocky glare dwindles, but he quickly masks the fear. “It’s cute that you think so. I’m guessing my daughter hasn’t explained to you exactly what I’m capable of, prison bars or not.”

“Oh, I know all about what you did to your wife and son,” Journey says. “But those were the actions of a coward.”

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