Page 12 of Journey

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“Wanna wingman tonight?”

Narrowing my eyes at him, I ponder his question. I might trust him with my life, but I’m not as confident in his ability to not be a dick.

“Under one condition,” I finally reply.


“One joke or punchline at my expense, and I get to take it out on you in the Nightmare Room.”

He chuckles, but there’s more trepidation than humor in the sound. “Deal.”

“Be ready to ride in thirty.”



No fuss, no muss.

Two months later…

“The latest sketches are perfect.”

Rolling my eyes, I tuck my cell between my ear and shoulder as I lock the apartment door. Laura is Wren’s agent, and sometimes I have to take these calls and pretend I’m her. I don’t know if the other alters get stuck doing this shit, but I don’t complain because I don’t have to actually do any work. I’m all fun, all the time.

Take this evening for example… I’m only here because Wren couldn’t cope with the stress piling on her. She’s weak when it comes to matters regarding her childhood, and I step in to make it better.

“Glad to hear it,” I reply, forcing as much sincerity into my tone as possible.

“The author is hoping you can have the final artwork submitted by the end of the month,” Laura says. “Is that doable?”

I pause for a moment, pretending to be checking a schedule before responding. “Yep. I can do that.”

Between Wren and Drew, it shouldn’t be a problem.

“Perfect,” she gushes. “I’ll eagerly wait for the files.”

Laura rambles for a few more minutes, and I pretend to listen. As soon as we end the call, I toss the phone onto the passenger seat of the car and glance into the backseat to make sure it’s not as messy as the last time I used it. I don’t know who keeps driving, but they don’t know how to deal with trash one iota.

It doesn’t take long before I’m parking on a side street near a bar I like to go to on Fridays because that’s when they have their ladies’ night. It’s a perfect storm for finding a casual hookup.

As soon as I step inside, music fills my ears, and I push away all thoughts of anything beyond having a good time.


I whirl to my right at the sound of my name and grin when I see Lydia standing at the end of the bar. She and I have shared some crazy nights together, and a repeat performance might be exactly what I need.

Closing the distance between us, I contemplate all the wicked things I’m going to do to her later. When I’m within reach, she grabs the front of my shirt and yanks me in for a kiss. I can taste the cranberry and lime from her Cosmopolitan, and the combination of that and her is delicious.

“I haven’t seen you in a while,” Lydia says when I break contact. “Where the hell have you been?”

“Here, there, everywhere.”

She laughs at that, and the sound is even more intoxicating than her taste. “Well, I’ve missed you.”

Red flags flash in front of my face like giant hazard warnings. Lydia is amazing, but I don’t do commitment of any kind. I can’t.

“I’m here now,” I say.

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