Page 28 of Her Alien Owner

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She nods and leaves, closing the door softly behind her. I take a sip of tea, letting its warmth seep into me. My mind drifts back to Valen’s intense green eyes and the way they softened when he looked at me.

What would it be like to simply exist in his life in peace? To know him fully and not just through snippets and half-revealed truths? The thought is both tantalizing and terrifying.

I wish I could just ask him outright about his past, about everything that makes him so guarded. But then again, would he even tell me? And if he did, would I be able to handle whatever dark secrets he's hiding?

Sighing deeply, I set my cup down and rest my forehead on the cool surface of the table. Life was simpler before Valen entered it—lonelier, yes—but simpler.

Yet despite all this complexity and fear, there's an undeniable pull towards him—a magnetism that defies logic and reason. Maybe it’s foolishness or maybe something more profound that binds us together.

For now, all I can do is take one step at a time and hope that whatever lies ahead will bring more answers than questions.



My surveillance never lies. I know Ariana's ex boyfriend is drinking himself half to death in this seedy, cheap bar. I know soon he'll be out of funds, and he'll be forced to leave for the night.

And I'm right here, waiting for him.

Kevin stumbles out of the bar, reeking of cheap whiskey and bad decisions. I step from the shadows of the alley, my frame eclipsing the dim streetlight's glow. He squints at me, trying to make sense of the dark silhouette before him.

“Who are you?” he slurs, swaying slightly.

I don’t move. “Stay away from Ariana.”

He chuckles, a nasty sound that grates against my nerves. “You think you can tell me what to do? She’s mine. Always has been.”

“She’s not yours,” I say, my voice steady and low. “She’s under my protection now.”

Kevin's eyes narrow, anger sparking in their depths. “Protection? From you? Look at you, playing the big hero. You don’t scare me.”

“I’m not here to scare you,” I reply, my tone as cold as steel. “I’m here to warn you.”

“Warn me?” Kevin laughs again, a humorless bark that echoes down the empty alley. “You’re nothing but a glorified babysitter. Ariana’s too good for you anyway. Too pure for a piece of alien trash like you.” The insult slides off me like rain on glass until he adds, “She’s probably just using you for your money.”

My fists clench involuntarily at my sides. He’s crossed a line.

“You have no idea who you’re dealing with,” I say quietly.

“Oh, I know exactly who I’m dealing with,” Kevin sneers, stepping closer. The stench of alcohol hits me like a wave. “A pathetic excuse for a man who thinks he can swoop in and save her. She’ll never be yours. She’s a whore.”

The punch comes swift and hard, driving into his gut with all the force I can muster without killing him. He folds over instantly, gasping for breath as he crumples to his knees.

“Last warning,” I say, my voice deadly calm. “Stay away from Ariana or next time, you won’t get up.”

Kevin wheezes on the ground, clutching his stomach, his eyes wide with shock and pain.

“You bastard,” he croaks out between labored breaths.

I lean down slightly so our faces are level. “Remember this moment every time you think about going near her again.” With that, I straighten up and stride away without looking back.

The night air feels cooler as I leave him behind in the alley, a pathetic heap of regrets and bruised pride. The satisfaction of protecting Ariana lingers with me like a silent vow—a promise that no one will harm her under my watch.

I stride through the estate's gates, my jaw clenched tight enough to crush diamonds. The encounter with Kevin left a bitter taste in my mouth, one that even the crisp night air can't wash away. Tragan materializes at my side, his face a mask of professional neutrality.

"Sir, the new security personnel have completed their orientation. They'll begin first thing tomorrow," he reports, falling into step beside me.

I nod curtly. "Good. They start now."

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