Page 27 of Her Alien Owner

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I force a smile, though it feels more like a grimace. “It’s alright,” I manage to say, my voice thin and wavering.

As I return to folding, my thoughts drift back to Valen’s timely intervention. The way he stepped between Kevin and me, his presence commanding and protective—it felt like a lifeline thrown into stormy seas. I shake my head, trying to focus on the task at hand. Lucky coincidence, I tell myself.

But what if Kevin comes back? The question gnaws at me, making it hard to concentrate. Valen won’t always be there to protect me. The thought sends a shiver down my spine.

Water seeps into my shoes as I kneel on the kitchen floor, scrubbing furiously. The bucket lies overturned, its contents spreading across the tiles like my spiraling thoughts. My breath comes in shallow gasps, and I feel the burn of unshed tears in my eyes.

“Damn it,” I mutter under my breath, slamming the scrub brush into the puddle. The physical effort does little to quell the storm inside me.

This isn’t just about Kevin. It’s everything—the constant fear, the uncertainty, the gnawing sense that I’m always one step away from losing everything.

Finally, admitting to myself that I can’t keep doing this alone, I toss the rag aside and stand up, water dripping from my dress. My feet move before my mind can argue otherwise, leading me down the hall to Valen’s study.

I knock softly, hesitating.

“Come in,” his voice commands from within.

Pushing open the door, I find him at his desk, surrounded by papers and holo-screens displaying data streams. He looks up, green eyes locking onto mine with an intensity that steals my breath.

“I...I need to talk to you,” I manage to say.

He rises instantly, crossing the room with those graceful strides. “What’s wrong?”

The concern in his voice is my undoing. The tears finally spill over as I stammer, “I’m not alright. Kevin... he...”

Valen’s expression darkens. He reaches out and pulls me into his arms without another word. His embrace is strong, enveloping me in warmth and safety. For a moment, the world narrows to just this—his heartbeat against my ear and the solid reassurance of his presence.

“You’re safe here,” he murmurs against my hair. “You’ll always be safe in my home.”

“But how can you be so sure?” I whisper, feeling a mix of fear and hope.

His grip tightens slightly as he says, “Trust me.”

I do trust him—despite everything that should make me wary. His nature both frightens and attracts me, like a moth drawn to a flame.

Taking a deep breath, I pull back just enough to look up at him. “Thank you,” I say softly.

His hand comes up to cup my cheek, thumb brushing away a tear. “No need for thanks. Just know that anyone who tries to hurt you will answer to me.”

The fierce protectiveness in his voice sends a shiver through me—a mix of fear and something deeper that I can’t quite name.

He holds me for a moment longer before stepping back slightly but keeping one arm around my shoulders as if afraid I might disappear if he lets go completely.

“Clean yourself up, have something to drink,” he says gently, guiding me towards the door with a reassuring squeeze of my shoulder. "And don't worry about him anymore."

Leaving Valen's study, I feel his words pressing down on me. I hurry to my room, the corridors of the estate stretching out like a labyrinth of opulence. Once inside, I strip off my wet uniform and change into a fresh one. The fabric feels cool against my skin, but it does little to soothe the turmoil in my mind.

In the small kitchenette attached to my quarters, I put on a kettle for tea. The simple ritual of brewing chamomile offers a brief respite from the chaos. As I pour hot water over the delicate flowers, their soothing aroma fills the room, calming my frayed nerves.

I sit at the small table by the window, cradling the warm cup in my hands. My gaze drifts over the lush gardens outside, but my thoughts remain tangled around Valen and Kevin. Gratitude floods me when I think of Valen stepping in like some kind of golden-skinned guardian angel. But there's fear too—fear of his power, his control, and most of all, his refusal to elaborate on how he'll keep me safe.

His enigmatic nature both attracts and frustrates me. I trust him—more than I should perhaps—but his secrets loom like dark clouds on a sunny day. Why can't he just tell me everything? What is he hiding?

A knock on the door startles me from my reverie. "Come in," I call out.

One of the maids pokes her head in. "Just checking if you need anything." I know she's only a little concerned. She wants to know why I'm here relaxing when there's work to be done.

"No, thank you," I reply with a small smile. "I'm fine. I'll get back to work in a moment."

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