Page 24 of Her Alien Owner

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The night stretches before me, stars twinkling against the dark expanse of sky. It’s a beautiful view, one that usually brings a measure of peace. But tonight, it’s merely a backdrop to my restless thoughts.

Ariana’s presence has become a comfort I didn’t know I needed. Her strength and resilience are like balm to wounds I’ve long kept hidden. And yet, there’s fear too—a fear of what she might uncover if she gets too close.

I grip the edge of my desk tightly. Protecting her has become more than just an instinct; it’s a necessity. But how do I keep her safe without revealing too much? How do I balance this delicate act without scaring her away?

The estate is silent now, most of the staff having retired for the night. But even in this stillness, I can sense her presence somewhere within these walls. It’s both a comfort and a curse.

Tomorrow will bring new challenges and decisions. For now, though, all I can do is ensure she remains protected and hope that one day she’ll understand why.

But not yet.

Not until I'm ready to let her see beyond the shadows that cloak my past.

I stand and move toward the window, looking out over the sprawling grounds bathed in moonlight. Determination settles over me like armor; no harm will come to Ariana as long as she's here.

And for now, that will have to be enough.

The air hums with the scent of freshly brewed kava, mingling with the faint aroma of old leather and ink. I stand behind my desk, fingers tapping a measured rhythm against the smooth surface as I await my visitor.

When he arrives, Kieran strides in with a confident smile, his portly frame clad in a suit that’s seen better days. He’s always been a reliable supplier, but today his eyes flicker with something more—something that sets my teeth on edge.

“Valen,” he greets, extending a hand. I take it, my grip firm but not crushing.

“Kieran. Have a seat.” I gesture to the chair opposite mine, settling into my own as he lowers himself into the plush leather.

He leans back, crossing one leg over the other. “I’ll get straight to it. There’s been an offer.”

I arch an eyebrow. “An offer?”

“Yes.” He hesitates, then plunges ahead. “From Solaris Corp. They’re willing to pay twenty percent more for my equipment.”

Fury coils in my chest like a tightening spring, but I keep my expression neutral. “Twenty percent is generous,” I say slowly, steepling my fingers under my chin.

“It is,” Kieran agrees, his eyes gleaming with avarice. “But I wanted to give you a chance to match it.”

I study him for a moment, letting silence stretch between us. He shifts slightly under my gaze—good. “Kieran,” I begin, voice smooth as silk, “Solaris Corp has been making quite a few waves lately.”

“Oh?” His curiosity piques; he leans forward.

“Indeed.” I nod thoughtfully. “Rumors suggest they’ve been dabbling in some rather… questionable practices.”

His eyes narrow slightly. “What kind of practices?”

“Illegal mining operations,” I say softly, watching him carefully for his reaction. And I know for a fact they are, becauseI'm one of their investors. Under a pseudonym. And I intend to cash out just before the authorities are tipped off. “Word is they’re trying to corner the market before anyone catches on.”

Kieran’s brow furrows. “Illegal mining? That’s a serious accusation.”

“Very serious.” I lean back in my chair, feigning nonchalance. “And it makes sense they’d offer more for your equipment—they need to keep things quiet.”

He looks troubled now, doubt creeping into his features. “I hadn’t heard anything about that.”

“They’re good at covering their tracks,” I say smoothly. “But if they’re caught—and they will be—it could bring down everyone associated with them.”

Kieran frowns deeply, rubbing his chin. “That’s… concerning.”

I let him stew for a moment before adding casually, “Of course, you’re free to make your own decisions. But aligning yourself with them could be risky business.”

He nods slowly, digesting this information. “Perhaps… perhaps we can renegotiate our terms instead,” he suggests cautiously.

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