Page 12 of Her Alien Owner

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I stare at the phone for a moment, feeling the gravity of what I’ve just agreed to. This is it—no turning back now. I pack my few belongings quickly: some clothes, toiletries, and a couple ofkeepsakes. My small apartment looks even more barren as I zip up my bag.

Morning arrives too soon. The sky barely lightens as I make my way to Valen's estate, a sprawling fortress that seems to mock the decaying city around it. The gates open silently at my arrival, and a butler—probably the same one from the phone—greets me.

“Miss Ariana,” he says with a curt nod. “This way.”

He leads me through hallways that seem to stretch forever, each one more opulent than the last but never crossing into ostentatiousness. The air smells faintly of polished wood and something floral.

“This will be your room,” he says, opening a door to a modest but comfortable space. “You’ll find your uniform in the closet.”

I nod and step inside, setting my bag down on the neatly made bed. The uniform—a simple dress in muted colors—hangs in the closet as promised.

After changing quickly, I’m led to meet one of the maids who’ll show me around.

“Welcome, I'm Lila,” she says with a bright smile that feels like sunshine cutting through fog.

“Ariana,” I reply, trying to match her enthusiasm but feeling more like a creature caught in a hover car's headlights.

“Don’t worry,” she says with a wink as if reading my mind. “You’ll get used to it.”

We walk through various rooms—the grand dining hall with its massive table that could seat an army, the kitchen bustling with staff preparing breakfast, and several sitting rooms that look like they belong in a palace rather than someone's home.

“The estate is huge,” I say, more to myself than anyone else.

Lila laughs lightly. “Yeah, but you’ll find your way around soon enough.”

We stop by a large window overlooking manicured gardens that seem out of place on war-torn Armstrong.

“What exactly will I be doing?” I ask.

“A bit of everything,” Lila replies. “Cleaning mostly, but also serving meals when there are guests and helping maintain order around here.”

“And everyone’s okay?”

Lila’s eyes twinkle with mischief. “Well-behaved enough not to bite.”

As we continue our tour, meeting other staff members who offer nods or brief smiles, it strikes me how functional everything is despite its luxury. Each piece of furniture serves its purpose without cluttering space; every hallway is meticulously clean yet devoid of unnecessary decoration.

“So,” Lila says as we finish up near what she calls ‘the nerve center’—an office where daily schedules are planned out. "Any questions?"

I shake my head slowly. “Not right now.”

She pats my shoulder reassuringly before heading off to her duties. Alone for the first time since arriving here this morning; uncertainty gnaws at me again—but there’s also an odd sense of belonging settling in my bones.

One step at a time.

The task list for the day is waiting for me when I arrive at the staff room. It's extensive, but not surprising. My eyes scan the list: wash windows, polish floors, dust the library. I grab a bucket, fill it with soapy water, and head to the first set of windows.

The estate is a labyrinth of glass. Each pane is like a tiny portal to another world—a world far removed from Armstrong's ruins. I start on the ground floor, methodically scrubbing each window until it sparkles. As I work, I feel eyes on me. It’s an odd sensation, like a gentle pressure against my back.

Glancing up, I catch a glimpse of Valen through the glass. He stands in the hallway, arms folded across his chest, watching me with that intense gaze. His presence is commanding even from a distance. He doesn’t speak, just observes before turning and disappearing down the corridor.

I get back to work, focusing on each streak and smudge. The day stretches on as I move from room to room. Occasionally, I spot Valen again—always in passing, always silent. His scrutiny makes me self-conscious, but also determined to prove my worth.

By late afternoon, my arms ache from scrubbing and polishing. But there's a strange sense of accomplishment in seeing the estate gleam under my efforts. The sun dips low as I finish the last window on my list.

I sit on the edge of a fountain in the courtyard to catch my breath. The water’s cool spray refreshes my tired face. Valen appears again, standing at a distance by one of the grand archways leading into the garden.

I stand up quickly, smoothing out my dress as best as I can with damp hands.

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