Page 22 of Christmas Tempest

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“That I am… and I’m not alone.”

Chapter Seventeen

Dillon held back from looking at the two people he saw from the corner of his eye. Instead he clung to Sara as hard as he could while the large dog whined anxiously nearby. “I want to stay with you, Sara. Please don’t make me go back to that crabby old monster.” His arms clung around her neck with clear understanding that he’d always been welcome in her hugs.

“Dillon. That’s enough my lad. We don’t call people names, especially those related to us. I’ve told you before, your granny gets forgetful sometimes and doesn’t remember how much she loves you.”

“She – hates – me.”

The tone of his voice spitting out those words brought a low growl from Pretty Girl who had to be comforted. Dex petted her before moving closer.

When he clumsily bent down toward the boy, he fell over instead. Everyone looked his way. Pretty Girl, thinking it was fun time, tried to crawl on his stomach. He held her back, chucklingat her antics. “Not now girl.” Making a funny face toward Dillon, he added, “Bum ankle, kid. Weak as a baby right now. Look, I might be injured but I know one thing this ankle won’t stop me from doing, and that’s taking you with me. I swear, you’ll never have to spend another day with old Misery.”

Dillon’s head swung to look at his uncle. “That’s what my daddy used to call her, and Mommy would pretend to be mad at him. But they’d laugh.”

“I know. Heard him say it many times. He’d be furious right now if he knew how long the courts made you stay with her. But no more… me and Pretty Girl have come to take you home with us for good.”

Dillon hung back, still clinging to Sara. “Misery said you weren’t coming. That’s what she told me, and she meant it.”

“Silly old woman can be meaner’n a cornered raccoon… probably said it because she saw how much you were looking forward to leaving her.”

Dillon finally met Dex’ eyes, seeing only kindness and affection in his gaze. And warmth too. Like he was glad to see him. He’d reached his hand out and Dillon didn’t know what to do. He felt Sara nudge him, and so he took the hand but still stayed in her arms, not ready yet to leave her safety.

Suddenly, he noticed another woman who’d crouched next to his uncle and had her arms around Pretty Girl to keep the dog back. Her light eyes twinkled, and her scads of long hair made him think of a fairy he’d seen in his latest Disney movie.

She looked really nice, and he couldn’t stop the smile from forming in answer to her own. He’d never met her before, but weirdly, he felt an instant bond between them as if he knew her and yet he didn’t.

“I’m here to vouch for your uncle,” she said, her voice soft with kindness. “We were stuck in a snowstorm overnight, and all he thought about was how worried you’d be that he hadn’tcome as he’d promised. When he found out you’d left your grandmother’s house, the dude’s been frantic since then and driving me and Pretty Girl kinda crazy.”

Dillon returned her grin and liked it when she winked at him.

“We were all frantic, Dillon,” Sara’s tone held censure wrapped in kindness. The same way she always spoke to him when he’d screw up. No matter how bad it was, she’d never lose her cool, but he knew by her attitude that he’d better smarten up. And he always did.

As if the pretty lady understood and thought to change the subject, she held out her hand and added, “I’m Jasmin, by the way. The dummy who ran into Pretty Girl on the highway to Carlton Grove. Poor baby was being chased by a wolf and leapt in front of my car as she tried to get away.”

“You did? What happened then?” Now Dillon gave Jasmin his full attention.

“Well, I managed to scare off the wild beast and get our big baby here into the back of my SUV by building up the snow to use like a ramp. She’s a huge dog and really heavy.”

“But she’s okay now, isn’t she?” As if the creature knew they were talking about her, she shimmied over to lay next to Dillon so his hands could reach and pet.

“Yep. Dex figures the car must have bruised her hind end but no broken bones. Guess all that fur provided a nice barrier.”

“Poor girl.” Enthralled by the story, Dillon stroked the dog who looked as if she’d fallen in love. Jasmin giggled, watching the two youngsters connect. Reaching up, Pretty Girl licked at tears dried on thin cheeks and then pushed her wet nose into Dillon’s chest as a welcome to her world.

Dex watched the touching moment. “You’ll be living with us from now on, Dillon. As you can see, the mushy monster will love having you around almost as much as I will.”

Jasmin giggled. “Best decision possible. That dog has more energy than even I could keep up with.” As if Dillon’s questioning look encouraged her to continue, she kept talking. “From time to time, I had to let her use the outdoor… ahh, facilities, and we’d start playing to help loosen her soreness. She leaps like a fox in the deep snow and expects one to follow her. The mutt loves to play. Do you like the snow, Dillon? I hope so because there’s a lot around where you’re going.”

Dillon’s hesitant voice came out sounding creaky… like a door needing oil. “I love the snow.” His glance swayed shyly to his uncle. “Then Iamgoing to live with you Uncle Dex in Carlton Grove after all?”

Everyone stopped, turned toward Dex, and the only sound was a dog’s panting. His voice husky with concern, Dex reached out to touch the boy’s hair, his hand caressing the strands gently. Speaking slowly, he said, “If you want to, Dillon. It’s your choice.” Then as if he remembered Jasmin’s words, he added, “I’ve really been looking forward to having you live with me. And I could sure use the help. Another guy to look after this mangy mutt would be great, not to mention all the chores I can never get around to that could use an extra pair of hands.

Dillon straightened and his expression brightened, the glum pale frown gone now. “I can help you. I’m pretty strong, and I don’t eat much. Even though Granny says I do.”

“Okay. See, I eat lots and so does Pretty Girl. Therefore, that will never be a problem. We’ll shop together and you can tell me what you like. And… I bought us a new house. It’s big and has a large yard. But I figure I’ll need lots of help taking care of everything. You say you’re strong? That’s great.”

“Yeah. Okay. I can do stuff.”

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