Page 17 of Christmas Tempest

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Understanding that the boy really didn’t know him other than through memories and their periodic visits, Dex had done his best to talk with Dillon. Neither of those occasions had gone well. Dillon appeared to be scared of his own shadow, and a boy of very few words.

When Margot told him that Dillon had run away, it had been a huge shock. He’d never have pegged the kid with a personality for such strong behavior. If the truth were known, he thought him weak and a whiner who’d need to be looked after. And… because he had no experience with youngsters, that had scared him silly.

While they’d been talking about everything under the sun, he’d mentioned his misgivings to Jasmin, and she’d said something that came back to him now.

“We didn’t know each other either but see how well we’re doing? I believe it’s the fact that we needed each other. There’s nothing that will bring people together more than that kind of trust. So, let Dillon believe you feel that way about him. That he’s fulfilling some emptiness in your world. Give him chores like helping you take care of Pretty Girl and looking after the new house. It’s important for him to have a place in your life that’s his alone.”

“You figure it’ll work?”

Jasmin let his words sit for a few seconds and then asked, “How would you feel in his place? If it was you having your whole world ripped apart and being ordered by courts to behave the way they say? What if you had no voice in your own future? I’ve no doubt based on what I heard on the phone and what you’ve told me, he wouldn’t want to stay with Margot. But have you ever asked him if hewantsto be with you? He’s eight now not a baby. He has thoughts and feelings and maybe even goals. If he thinks that you want and need him, would that make a difference? It would to me.”

Dex pictured his tall, skinny nephew with two crooked front teeth and a thatch of shiny, wild brown curls. Thinking back, Dex remembered telling Dillon about his pursuits to adopt him and the boy’s lack of excitement. He’d watched his blue eyes shield emotions from grief and shyness to curiosity and worry.

Yet he’d never addressed those feelings let alone asked the boy to share his desires or his needs. Pictures he shared of Pretty Girl had been the only time Dillon had reacted. “Can I take her for walks?”

“Sure. She’d like that.” He remembered saying those words and after his discussion with Jasmin, he realized it hadn’t been enough. What he should have added was, “And I’d be really happy for you to help me with her walks. I don’t always have the time myself, and Ineedsomeone who I can trust to step in.”

Thinking back over their recent visits, he could see many times where he’d missed an opportunity to make the boy feel not only welcomed but wanted.

Making up his mind to be more thoughtful when dealing with Dillon in the future, he found himself praying he’d get the chance. That they’d find him, and he’d be okay. And that he’d know what to say the next time they were face to face.

Chapter Twelve

During the long, cold night, Jasmin came awake when she heard Dex groan. Lifting her head from where it nestled on his chest, she saw he slept but not easily.

She worried that his ankle might be worse with him having it down for so long. Her moving woke him up with a start. “Dex, I’m going to go to my seat now.” He only nodded, but in the gloom, she could see him bite his lip. She woke Pretty Girl and urged her over to the back.

Frissons of needle-like pains raced throughout her body in such a way they were unexplainable. When she noticed Dex’s eyes were open, she added, “You need to get your foot up.”

“Oh yeah. It’s burning.” Again, he groaned from the pain when he forced his body around so he could lift his foot her way. It hurt her having to take his boot off because she knew it hurt him.

“I’m going to lean out and get more snow, Dex. We need to ice the swelling, or it’ll get worse.” Suddenly, her face lit up. “Wait. I just remembered.” Reaching into her pocket, she pulled out abottle of Tylenol. “I forgot I had these in my cosmetic case and grabbed them earlier. Sometimes when I’d work too late, I’d get headaches. I always keep them close just in case.” She reached out toward him and watched him dry-swallow two pills.

Once she had his swollen ankle on her lap, with the bag full of snow packed around it, she forced the foot upwards with the quilt and kept her hands inside the material. “Can we turn the car on again to warm up?”

“I don’t think it’s a good idea, sweetheart. After this blizzard, I’m guessing the snow might be packed around the exhaust pipe and once the car is on, the carbon monoxide fumes could filter into the vehicle. It wouldn’t be smart or safe.”

“My God, I’d never have thought of that myself. So that’s why you were so determined to shovel the snow from around the car?” She reached her hand to rub his cheek gently. “I could have died being here alone.”

“No. Your father would have warned you. He’d have called when you didn’t show up.”

“He knew I was planning to come, but he had no idea I’d left already. I figured I wouldn’t be able to get away until Christmas Eve. So I’m a couple of days early.”

“Then I’m thrilled I ran into you… literally.” He grinned her way and lifted his sleeve to check his watch. “It’s just after six. I woke up a few times during the night and could see the wind shifting and then dying down. My best estimate is that we’re over the worst of the storm.”

Since the windshield was blocked by snow, he had to peer outside through the side windows which were filmed over and icy. “It’s even stopped snowing.”

“Do you think we could be rescued soon? As much as I like the company, I’m getting a bit sick of the lodgings. I can’t imagine how horrible it must be for folks who live in their vehicles formonths. My heart goes out to them.” She looked over and saw Dex nodding.

“I’ve always been grateful for being one of the fortunate ones, growing up in the situation I had. My parents might have been workaholics, but we never doubted their love. Nor did we want for much. They provided us with good educations, a healthy love for family, and now in their older years, they’re still involved in so many activities.”

“You were lucky. Same as me. Not everyone has that luxury and through no fault of their own. Life happens.”

Dex nodded. “Yep. One of the reasons I became a lawyer. To help those who are stuck in the system and can’t find a way out.”

Thinking about that scenario, Jasmin didn’t notice the headlights in the distance. It was the honking that caught her attention, and relief washed over her tight skin. Looking at the clock, she saw it was after six a.m. Thankfully, the road crews had probably been working since the storm let up.

Pointing, she nudged Dex. “Did you hear that?”

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