Page 24 of Deep in Desire

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“We’ll do it on the way home, okay?” whispered Deborah before giving Holly a sneaky wink.

Their first stop was a quaint little café near the Eiffel Tower. They sat outside, enjoying the warm summer breeze and the delicious pastries.

“These croissants are to die for. They don’t taste like this back home, do they? We need to tellpeople about this. Let’s kidnap the baker and set him up at the Indigo Lounge. Your mom would be a millionaire.”

“And then she could leave Nora, and we’d all live happily ever after.”

“Come on now, Holly. That’s not fair. Nora just had a natural reaction.”

“Okay, let’s just forget about Nora and move on to a serious question,” Holly said, a mischievous glint in her eye. “If you could have dinner with any three people, dead or alive, who would they be? And you can’t include Nora.”

Deborah laughed, her eyes twinkling playfully. “That’s a tough one. Let’s see… I’d choose Audrey Hepburn because I’ve always admired her grace and elegance. Jane Austen would probably be there because I’d love to pick her brain about her novels. There’s never been a writer like her since. And lastly, Barack Obama, because I find his perspective on life and politics fascinating. And we need him right now.”

“Fair enough but, we need his wife. Plus, she’s hot, right?”

“Yep. Pretty hot.”

“Great choices,” Holly said, nodding appreciatively. “For me, it would be Frida Kahlo becauseher art and life story are so inspiring. Plus, I do like a monobrow on a woman.”

“Is that why you picked me?” Deborah teased as she raised her eyebrows and squashed them together with her fingertips.

“Totally. Then, maybe David Bowie because he was David Bowie, and I reckon that’s a bit of a no-brainer. Lastly, my grandmother, because she passed away when I was really little, and I wish I’d known her better.”

Deborah smiled, feeling a warmth spread through her. “I just so love that. What interesting choices. And I had no idea you were a Bowie fan. That’s not your era. It’s only just my era!”

“Wait up… But I thought you were fifty years older than me. He’d be way after your time, wouldn’t he?”

“No. It’s the jetlag playing tricks on you. Seriously though, let’s make that the last joke about my age. We’ll be hearing enough of those jokes when we get back home, no doubt. And I want to soak up the culture and grow a few new brain cells while we’re here.”

“Agreed, Debs.”

They grew closer as they continued exploring Paris, visiting the Louvre, strolling along the Seine,and sampling the local cuisine. Each moment was filled with laughter and shared stories, peeling back the layers of their lives and revealing their true selves to each other.

Back in their hotel room that night, Holly suggested they play the 36 Questions Game. Deborah agreed, intrigued by the idea of deepening their bond even further. She’d heard Mel talking about it over lunch one day but hadn’t really understood. It was something along the lines of either being in or out of love by the end of the question session. She knew that no series of questions could cause her to lose interest in Holly. Not at this point, so she was ready to experiment.

“Okay, first question,” Holly began, sitting cross-legged on the bed, her nipples catching Deborah’s eye. “If you could wake up tomorrow having gained any one quality or ability, what would it be?”

Deborah thought for a moment. “I think I’d want the ability to read minds. It would make understanding people much easier, don’t you think?”

Holly laughed, shaking her head. “True, but it could also be overwhelming. Imagine hearing everyone’s thoughts all the time.”

“Good point,” Deborah conceded, then smirked. “I don’t think you’d want to hear mine right now. What about you?”

“I do! I do want to hear!” Holly protested.

“I was imagining ripping off your nightgown and spending the best part of tonight and tomorrow with my body against yours.”

Holly burst into laughter, her cheeks flushing. “Ha ha! All in good time, Deborah. Oh, look how hard my nipples are! They’re listening!”

“What ability would you choose?”

“I’d want the ability to heal people,” Holly said thoughtfully. “There’s so much suffering in the world and being able to take that away would be amazing. I’d like to have healing hands or something.”

Deborah felt her chest swell with affection. “You have such a big heart, Holly. And your hands have certainly healed me, let me tell you.”

“You’re quite the little flirt tonight, Ms. Morgan. I’m loving it.”

They continued through the questions, their answers bringing new insights into each other’s lives.

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