Page 20 of Deep in Desire

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“Maybe. But I’m Nora Hartley’s new stepdaughter, right? Weird. I hadn’t thought of it like that until now. And she’s just as well-known as you are, I think. I may not have a lot to lose, personally, but I sure don’t want to see my mom’s name dragged through the mud. I don’t want people talking about her at the Indigo Lounge. She’sworked too hard for that place. So, I’ve got as much to lose as you have. But I’m ready and willing to risk it all. Because it’s not that big a deal, okay?”

“It IS a big deal!” Deborah responded, almost shouting.

“It isn’t! My mom’s in a blind panic, and you’re a lot like her in some ways. So there’s twenty years between us. And? We’re both consenting adults. I’m not after you for your money. Honestly, I didn’t even know about your money at first. I’m after you because you’re a lot of fun to be around, and I can make you come in under a minute, which is always handy.”

“So, it’s just a sex thing?” Deborah asked, a sense of concern in her voice.

“Not at all. I’m just teasing you. Sex with you is mind-blowing. But so is just being with you. Drinking coffee, sitting silently, talking… Hell, even fighting with you is amazing. Mini-fighting. Whatever.”

Deborah envied Holly’s confidence and defiance. She wished she could share it, but the scars of her past were too deep. “I admire your courage, Holly. You’re amazing. But this isn’t just about us. It’s about my career, reputation, and friends at theIndigo Lounge, including your mom and Nora. I don’t know if I can handle their rejection.”

“Then let them reject us,” Holly replied, her voice steady. “Do we care? If they can’t accept us as we are and the feelings we have for each other, then they’re not our friends. What sort of lesbians are they, anyway? We met in a goddam queer bar!”

Deborah so wished it could be that simple. She had been friends with Esme and the gang at the Indigo Lounge for years, and the thought of losing them was unbearable. “I’m scared, Holly. I don’t know if I’m strong enough for this. I’ll have to tell you about my divorce when the time’s right. It’s a tough story to tell, though. And tough to hear.”

Holly cupped Deborah’s face in her hands. “You’re so much stronger than you think. Just remember that I’ll be with you every step of the way, alright?”

Deborah closed her eyes, leaning into Holly’s touch. She wanted to believe that everything would be okay, that their love could withstand the challenges ahead. But there was still that niggling doubt in the back of her mind. She didn’t dare voice her concerns again, though.

“We’ll take it one day at a time,” Deborah whispered, kissing Holly’s forehead. “We’ll figure it out, sweetie.”



Holly pushed open the door to the gym, the scent of fresh sweat and determination hitting her as she walked in. It was early, but the gym was already buzzing with activity. She couldn’t believe how many people woke up this early to work out. She guessed it had much to do with living in one of the hippest neighborhoods in L.A. She needed this time to herself, so she felt slightly disappointed when she first saw the crowd. A hard workout would do her a world of good. She needed to clear her mind and push away the whirlwind of emotions that had been tearing at her since her mother had walked in on her and Deborah.

As she made her way to the weight section, shespotted Cam. She didn’t know Cam all that well but had chatted with her a few times down at the Indigo Lounge. Cam was in the middle of a set, her muscles rippling under the strain. Holly admired Cam’s dedication and discipline and crossed her fingers that if she worked hard, she might look half as ripped in a couple of months. She approached, waiting until Cam finished her last rep.

“Hey there, Cam,” Holly said, trying to sound casual, although if she was honest with herself, she felt slightly intimidated by the gym bunny.

Cam set the weights down and turned to Holly, a playful grin spreading across her face. “Well, well, if it isn’t Ms. Holly Morgan! What brings you here so early?”

“Huh? Oh, I get it. So, you know about me and Deborah. Very funny. You’re a real card, Cam.”

“Sorry. What is your name anyway? Bloom? Did your mom change her name when she got married? Why don’t I know that already? Nah, she’s too much of a feminist, right? I can’t see our Esme Bloom as an Esme Hartley. Although the name Hartley could get you a long way in this town, let me tell you. You should change your name. Holly Hartley. It has a nice ring to it.”

“Are you fucking high or something? Whywould I take Nora’s name? She married my mom, is all. She didn’t fucking adopt me.”

“Well, she can adopt me anytime she likes,” Cam laughed. “You’re lucky. I’d love a stepmom like that one. The things I’d do to her. Stepmom action has always been my go-to on Lezhub, you know?”

“Eww. Gross. What the fuck, Cam?”

“Come on! I know you’re into it! Deborah? Seriously? What, she must be like 30… 40 years older than you, right?”

Holly sighed, running a hand through her hair. “Listen up. I don’t have time for this. I came here because I needed to clear my head. It’s been a rough few days.”

Cam raised an eyebrow. “Oh? Do tell. Debs likes it rough, does she? I can’t remember. I don’t think we’ve banged. I can’t be too sure, though. Some nights down at the Indigo can get pretty wild. I wake up with memory gaps.”

“You haven’t banged.”

“Okay. Fair enough.”

Holly hesitated for a moment before diving in. Cam was annoying, yet likeable. “You must know my mom caught us in the act, right? Well, we’d just finished, but still…”

Cam’s eyes widened slightly, but she quickly masked her surprise. “Lucky you! I can picture your mom’s face! Fuck me! Imagine if she walked in when you were elbow-deep in her BFF. Anyway, go on.”

Holly took a deep breath and explained everything—the start of her relationship with Deborah, how the affair had become more than just a couple of hook-ups, the confrontation with her mother, and the tangled mess of emotions she was now dealing with. Cam listened intently, her expression softening with understanding.

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