Page 11 of Deep in Desire

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“Hello? Yes, this is she,” Deborah said, her voice taking on a professional tone. Holly watched as she listened to the caller intently, her brow furrowing slightly.

“It isn’t a problem, Jay! I said I’d be in before noon, didn’t I? I can’t be at your beck and calltwenty-four/seven, you know? Okay! Jesus! I’ll be there as soon as possible,” Deborah snapped before ending the call. She looked back at Holly, a hint of apology in her eyes. “I’m so sorry, I have to go. There’s an emergency at the office, and if I don’t get in and calm things down, fuck knows what’ll happen.”

Holly nodded, trying to hide her disappointment with a shrug of her shoulders. “Listen, Dee, don’t sweat it. These things happen. Can I call you Dee?”

Deborah stood up, hastily gathering her things. “You can call me whatever you like. I like Dee. Sure. Why not? I’ll call you later, okay? I want us to pick things up where we left off.”

“Absolutely,” Holly replied softly, managing a smile despite the sinking feeling in her chest.

Deborah hurried out of the café, her hair bouncing behind her.

The aura of her sent Holly into a spin. She craved more. She couldn’t help but wonder who had called Deborah. Was it really a colleague? Or could it have been something more personal? They hadn’t had the exclusivity chat. Hell, they’d hardly really communicated at all. The thought nagged at her, stirring up a mixture of curiosityand jealousy she hadn’t expected. Why should she even care? She barely knows the woman, so why was she so damn obsessed.

She sipped her coffee slowly, replaying their conversation in her mind. Deborah’s words of affection echoed in her thoughts, soothing her uneasy mind. But there was still a lingering doubt. Did Deborah already have someone else in her life? Was she seeing someone? She’d just assumed she wasn’t because she’d been alone at the wedding. And she’d been careful not to ask Cam for too many details.

Holly shook her head, angry with herself for letting her insecurities get the better of her. They had just admitted their feelings for each other, hadn’t they? So why should she already be questioning Deborah’s intentions or integrity? Why was the intensity of her feelings for this woman so great? Was this quickly turning into infatuation?

Holly knew that she had no other choice but to try and trust the situation. She had no other choice without going stir crazy.

Holly returned to her mother’s home. She was going to have to find her own place, but she had other things on her mind for the moment. She settled into the plush couch in the living room, her mind still swirling with thoughts of Deborah. Pulling out her cell, she dialed a familiar number, knowing her best friend back in Australia would no doubt be asleep due to the time difference but feeling the need to talk to her anyway.

“Hols! My main girl! I’d say it’s great to hear from you, but it’s three o’clock in the morning, you big dope. What’s going on?” Sarah’s face appeared on the screen. Her eyes were barely open, and Holly noticed a line of drool running from her friend’s lower lip to her chin but decided it was better not to mention it.

“Yo, Sarah. Sorry to call so late,” Holly began, her voice tinged with excitement and nerves.

“Listen, I’ll live. Who needs more than four hours of sleep a night anyway, right? I’m always up for a chat with my favorite Yank. What the hell’s going on? You look… well, you don’t look your usual self. Don’t take this the wrong way, but you look a bit goofy,” Sarah replied, leaning closer to the screen.

Holly took a deep breath, a huge grinspreading across her face. “Listen up, remember how you always said I’d never settle down? That I didn’t have it in me. That I’m too much of a slut?”

“I don’t think I ever used that word, Hol. Remember that I’m a feminist extraordinaire, if you don’t mind. I might have just said that you were aladies’ womanor something. No! Afemme fatale! That’s what I always called you, wasn’t it? Ms. FF!”

“Well, I met someone.”

Sarah’s eyes widened in surprise. “Get real! Holly! Seriously? That’s amazing! I want to know everything.”

Holly launched into the story of how she’d met Deborah, recounting the scene on the balcony and how she’d later found out that she was a close friend of her mother’s. She also told her friend that the two women had confessed their feelings for each other earlier that day. Sarah listened intently, nodding as Holly got everything off her chest, including her insecurities and fears.

“Hey, Holly, she sounds incredible! Not your usual type though, am I right? She’s some TV bigwig, you said? That’s a whole different world to the surfer and bar chicks you hung around with down here, huh?”

“I just think she’s incredible. The way she holds herself… the way I—and I’m sorry if this is too much information, Sarah, but I knew instinctively how to make her come. It was bizarre. We just seemed tomatch.”

“Naaaaah! Stop! TMI! TMI! TMI!” Sarah laughed, her voice filled with genuine happiness for her friend. “But I sense there’s a ‘but’ coming?”

Holly nodded, feeling her emotions flooding through her veins. “Yeah, she kinda dumped my ass this morning. Well, she didn’t dump me, but she ran out on my ass. There was something odd about it. She got a call and had to leave. I’m just... not too sure where I stand. What if she’s already seeing someone? What if she’s just lying to me? Or what if I mess things up? I have every possibility running through my mind. I left myself quite vulnerable earlier today and she just cut me off and went back to work.”

Sarah chuckled softly. “Holly, would you just cool your ass? You’re overthinking it! Where’s my cool gal gone? This isn’t you at all! From what you’ve told me, Deborah seems just as into you. All you can do is wait and see. You’ve only been on one date, right? Calm yourself.”

Holly sighed, slumping forward slightly. “Iknow you’re right. I just... I want this to work out. I don’t know why. Like you said, we’re one very short coffee date into this thing. But I want to go on the chase with this one. Big time. She’s like the perfect, ultimate, main character in all of my fav sapphic romance novels that involve older women and icy CEOs!!!”

“You will. It’s your signature move,” Sarah assured her. “Now, here’s what you need to do. Just be yourself. Be upfront with her about your feelings. You’ve already started that, which is great. And it sounds like she wants to move fast on this one as well. Also, don’t forget to let her see how special you are. She obviously likes you for a reason, and let’s hope it’s not just the obvious one. Let her see your strengths. And lastly…”

Sarah paused for dramatic effect, making Holly roll her eyes. “Plan something amazing! Sweep her off her feet. Take her somewhere special or cook her a fancy dinner. Not your typical Aussie BBQ, okay? Do something classy. Show her that you’re serious about this, and show her that the age difference doesn’t mean you can’t match her level, ya know?”

Holly felt a surge of determination. “You know what, Sarah? I think I have a plan.”

“Of course you do. You’re my Holl!” Sarah teased. “Just remember to be yourself and enjoy the journey.”

“I so needed to hear that,” Holly said sincerely, grateful for her friend’s support and advice.

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