Page 91 of Saving Serena

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“How? What happened?”

“Not important.” Lucas’s ability to keep conversations short didn’t impress me today.

“What’s the connection to Serena?”

“I don’t have anything to say.”

“Benson thinks he’s a threat, so I damn well need to know.”

I could almost hear his teeth grind. “Not my story to tell, Brother. I suggest you don’t pursue this, but if you do, know it’s Serena’s choice what she wants to say. For her sake, do not push. I’ll leave it at that.”

Do not push her?What the hell was that? Even my brother was keeping something this important from me.



Anticipation buzzedin my blood as I got ready for bed. I’d known from the minute he’d made a fool of George, that Duke was a completely different breed of man than any I’d dated before.

My brothers were right. I’d generally stuck to boys Dad approved of, withboysbeing the operative term.

Duke was no boy. He was all man. One with the guts to stand up to my father. One I wasn’t actually sure I could handle. But I’d be damned if I didn’t try. Every minute since Duke had declared I was his, I’d looked forward to tonight when we’d be away from watchful eyes.

Would I be able to put up with his bossiness, his argumentativeness? He’d say it was me being difficult, and half the time, he might be right. But that’s because I knew what was good for me, and it was time I got a say in my life.

Sure, he had an issue with my dad for some reason, but at this moment, I wasn’t on Team Dad either. And this afternoon, Duke had protected me from my father’s overbearing instincts.Any man who would stand up to my father was either brainless or fearless, and Duke was nobody’s fool.

Would tonight be as good as it had been at the beginning of the week? Would it be better? Was I ruining it by putting too much emphasis on this?

He’d expertly given me pleasure. I’d never in my life come so fast. What if I wasn’t any good at returning it? Shit, what if he thought I was a mediocre lover, or even worse, abadlay?

Double shit. I’d wasted the entire week. I could have been researching how to give good head—no, excellent head—or how to pull his balls. I’d read that guys liked that, or was it tickling his balls?

Was I dressed right? Should I change into a nightshirt? No shirt?

Pulling my top off, I quickly ditched my bra. That had turned him on Tuesday. Going through my closet, I looked for something loose-fitting to replicate the way I’d been dressed that day. A blue button-down was the closest thing I found.

After clicking on the closet light, I turned off the overhead room lights for the right mood.

I heard footsteps, and like Pavlov’s dog, heat coiled low in my belly, eager for Duke’s arrival. Looking down, I decided to undo another two buttons. As I walked to the door, the shirt opened over one breast, and I readjusted. One could never show too much cleavage when expecting one’s lover, right? But hiding the nipple to tease him was best.

As soon as he knocked, I pulled the door open.

“What do you think about…” It wasn’t Duke.

I pulled my shirt closed as Constance walked in.

“Oh.” She raised a brow as I buttoned it back up. A smirk grew on her face. “Duke’s still on the phone.”

“What do I think about what?” I asked when I was no longer in danger of the shirt opening too far.

“About tomorrow. Will Grace and Terry be able to get along for a day?”

I nodded. “I hope so. Do you think she’ll mess up his concentration?”

“Duke doesn’t think so.” Looking at me a moment, she motioned to the bed. “Can we sit?”

I nodded and sat.

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