Page 23 of Saving Serena

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“I’m going to use somebody else. Go away.” Her voice wavered.

“No, you’re not. I’m assigned to you, and you know it. No other firm would dare poach one of our clients.” It sounded good, even if they’d have to know she was our client for it to apply.

“Consider yourself fired.”

This time, I knew better than to listen. “You can’t fire me.”

“I just did. Can’t you get that through your thick skull?”

I shook my head. “Until my boss tells me otherwise, you’re my assignment. End of discussion. So let me in.”

“No.” After a pause, she added. “I’m going to take a shower. You better be gone when I’m done.”

For a second, I imagined her naked in the shower, and my cock responded inappropriately. Wait, why was I reprimanding myself? She’d been the one to mention a shower. “Open the door, Princess.”

“I’m nobody’s princess.” Her voice was angry now. She banged on the door. Yup, that pushed a button. The princess angle at least got her riled up enough to keep talking.

“Then stop acting like one.”

“I’m damned well not letting you in to watch me shower.”

I shifted. My dick liked the fantasy of her in the shower, the warm water caressing her body, flowing over her full tits and down to…Get it together, Mr. Hornypants.“You can’t get your bandages wet.”

“Leave, or I’ll call the cops,” she threatened.

I laughed as I adjusted my aching cock.

“What’s so funny?”

“You won’t do that.”

“Wanna bet?”

I rolled out the nuclear option. “If you do that, your father will hear about all of this.”

An exasperated sigh came from behind the door, but then the deadbolt clicked, and the door swung partially open.

She looked somewhat better, with bandages where earlier there had been raw cuts on her head and neck. “You would call my father, wouldn’t you?”

“May I come in?”

She pulled open the door and stepped to the side. “I’m still ending your services.”

I entered, careful to not crowd her. “That’s above my pay grade. You’ll need to talk to my boss about that. And he also said if you didn’t follow protocol, he’d have to go to your father.”

“I hate you.” She groaned.

“Get in line.” Hating me, but following procedure and staying alive, was better than the alternative.

The blood stain on the side of her shirt had grown. She apparently hadn’t followed Winston’s instructions and gone to the hospital.

I moved inside from the foyer and started with the room to my right, ignoring the blood soaking through her shirt. That would be next.

“What are you doing?”

“It’s called clearing the house. It’s standard procedure to make sure there isn’t a threat inside.” I pointed behind me. “Lock the door.” I heard the deadbolt click as I moved to the next room.

She followed.

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