Page 163 of Saving Serena

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The whole group followed him.

I sweated as he typed, interspersing that with rapid mouse clicks.

This has to give us something.

“Got it,” Jordy announced. “Car one-oh-four’s track matches their phones. Now we just have to…follow it.” More mouse clicks showed an increasing red line making its way south on a map on his screen.

“But that’s going south, and Reseda is north,” Terry pointed out.

Jordy turned in his chair. “All I know is their phones were in that car when they left the federal building.”

Someone had given Constance bad info.

“There.” Jordy pointed. “It stops in Long Beach. The car is still there.”

Lucas patted his shoulder. “Good job, Jordy.”

“Yeah, I know,” Jordy pouted. “And I’m stuck here on comms.”

“No.” Lucas grinned. “Comms, yes, but bring your drones along. Everybody else, gear up. If the trail’s hot, we’re following it.”

I could feel the adrenaline as we strapped on protection and checked weapons.

“Cobra,” Lucas said as he slammed a clip home in his SIG. “You’re with me. Jordy and Terry in car two. Winston car three. Briefing en route.”

I racked the slide on my SIG and holstered it, following my brother and claiming the driver’s seat when we reached the Cayenne. With the V-8 howling, we burned rubber out of the garage, and the other two Porsches followed.

“Comms check,” Lucas said as he started the mission brief.


I wokewith a metallic taste in my mouth. Thank God, it wasn’t dark. Squinting, I adjusted to the overhead lights and rolled on the hard floor.

“Thank goodness, you’re all right,” Katelyn said next to me. She stood next to the door in this small, tile-floored room. “He must have given you a bigger dose than me. I can’t fucking believe this.” She jiggled the doorknob. “I’m a nobody. Why kidnap me? You, I get. Your daddy has a gazillion dollars, but me? I got nobody, and I’m so far underwater I can’t even see up to being dead broke.”

I sat up, taking in her complaints. “Do you know where we are?”

“No fucking clue. This sucks. Chloroformed or whatever the hell that was, and now locked up in here waiting for who knows what to happen. What if I have to pee?”

“Keep your voice down.” I stood and fixed my breast, which was out of my bra again.Fucking Johnson.“Have you heard him say anything? Do you know if he’s outside or not?” I asked, stretching to get the kinks out.

She tried to force the knob with two hands. “That’s why I’m freaked out. He made a call and demanded a bunch of money from your father or he’d kill us. Then after another call, he left.” She rattled the knob again.

I laid a hand on her shoulder. “Calm down.” I wasn’t ready to tell her that what Johnson probably had planned for us was even worse.

Katelyn pulled away. “Easy for you to say.” She was on the verge of hyperventilating. “We gotta get out of here. What if your father doesn’t want to pay for me?”

“Calm down,” I repeated. “We can depend on my dad. Are you sure he’s gone?”

She nodded. “I heard him talking to someone. He said it would take him an hour to get there. Then he left.”

I examined the lock. “I’ll get us out of here.”

“Really? I’m too young to die like this.”

I went through the steps I’d practiced for getting my bra off and the wires out, all to Katelyn’s amazement. “Speed is everything; seconds count,” the master chief had said. I left the bra on the floor, slipped the shirt over my head, and went to work on the lock.

Picking the cheap thing was a cinch. Putting a finger to my lips, I shushed her and stashed the wires in my pocket.

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