Page 91 of Devil in a Tux

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Having Dad keep his answers short and specific so far worked to my advantage. “And you told me that in your estimation the way to head that off was for me to improve the company's reputation as well as my own,” I said laying the foundation for my argument.

“I thought that was clear.” Annoyance tinged his voice.

I started with the good news. “I understand that you’re impatient, but I've been working on that project. It will take some time to show results in print however.”

He steepled his hands in front of him. “When might we see some results from this?”

“Before the board meeting.” I didn't honestly know when we would be able to arrange it.

He tried to hide the grin. “So tell me what exactly are you doing?”

“It has to do with the profile of our charity giving, you don't need to know the details, but I've spent some time with the image consultants you sent my way and they think the approach is a solid one.” Keeping the specifics away from him gave me the power in the situation.

“I want to know the details.” Of course he did. Then he'd want to micromanage me.

“Weren't you the one who told me that family members were the only ones who could truly trust?”

The tick in is jaw confirmed that he remembered.

“You need to trust me on this.”

He didn't say anything which was all the confirmation I needed.

“One other thing,” I added. “I'm going to continue seeing Alexa Borelli and I expect you to treat her with the courtesy she deserves.”

His nostrils flared. “That's not an option.”

“It's not your decision to make.”

“It would cause… Cause problems for you both that you can't foresee. There are things—”

“Dad,” I said interrupting him. “Alexa and I both understand her father is as opposed to this is you are.”

“You’re not listening. You may not,” he emphasized the word with a pointed finger, “continue with her.”

I'd expected we might get to this point.

Dad’s goal in life had always been to build up the company. He saw it as his legacy. If Noah’s read on the situation was correct, Dad had no option here.

“I'm going to date her, regardless of what you say. Now your option, is to allow me to finish this reputation project, and trust me to do it well. Or, you can fire me in which case, I wont finish the project, I'll resign from the board and you can take your chances with them.”

Real concern registered in his eyes. My resigning from the board would alter the balance with one less vote he could count on if it came down to that.

Dad cocked his head, and after a sigh his shoulders relaxed. He was as scared as Noah thought, and saw he had no choice. “Very well, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

I didn’t understand the warning and didn’t care. I’d made up my mind about Alexa and that was that. What I wouldn’t tell Dad was that without his interference our relationship would probably still be fake.

Finished here, I turned for the door.

“One more thing,” Dad said when I paused. “I need you in Chicago for a few days. They need help with some logistical issues.”

“When?” I asked turning to face him.

“I’ll let you know. Be ready.” His wording was decidedly more request than demand.

“You call. I’ll make it happen.”

We were back to normal, our mutual threats forgotten for the moment.

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