Page 73 of Devil in a Tux

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I sat up straighter. That was much more lady-like.

Fifteen minutes later, I looked up when Evan opened the door, carrying two bags and two beers. From the first bag, he produced two wrapped sandwiches and handed me one. “Your lunch.” He twisted the tops off the beers before setting them between us.

I closed the computer in my lap and opened up the sandwich. “You didn’t need to do this.”

He settled down next to me and unwrapped his sandwich. “What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn’t feed you?”

We didn’t have an audience, yet he was referring to himself as my boyfriend. I let that rattle around in my brain as I bit into my roast beef and cheese. Warmth traveled to my chest as I chewed and chewed some more. “Thanks for this,” I said when the silence became awkward.

My phone rang, and I closed my eyes a moment. It couldn’t be a more inconvenient time for him to call.

“Go ahead,” Evan urged. He’d seen the name on the screen.

“Hi, Dad,” I answered.

“What is this about you moving in with that McAllister boy? Is it true?”

I shook my head, not believing my bad luck. “He’s a man, Daddy, and a really nice one. I like him a lot.”

Evan beamed a wide smile. I shoved his shoulder.

“I forbid it,” Daddy practically yelled.

Evan’s expression indicated he’d heard.

“Daddy, I’m a grown woman, and you can’t boss me around anymore. Besides, you should be happy that I’ve moved into a secure building where you don’t have to worry about my safety.”

“I don’t trust him,” he sputtered.

“Maybe not, but I trust him,” I countered. “I love you, Daddy, but this is my decision. End of discussion. Give my love to Rachel.”

“This is a mistake.”

“Bye, Dad.” I disconnected.

“Like me a lot, huh?” Evan teased.

I shrugged. “Don’t let it go to your head.”

Evan leaned in. “You really told him off.” He attacked his sandwich with a big bite.

“Had to.”

He finished chewing. “Is your sandwich good?”

“Good enough for Manhattan, I guess.”

“Not as good as Brooklyn, you mean?”

I shrugged. “Not as good as our deli, that’s for sure.”

He shifted closer.

When our legs touched, a zing of electricity went through me, but I didn’t flinch away.

“You’ll have to take me there sometime,” he said.

“Not right after that call. There are knives just lying around.” I had no desire to give Daddy a heart attack.

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