Page 68 of Devil in a Tux

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He looked down at his monitor and didn’t ask again.

My email didn’t contain anything of importance, so I switched to scanning the onlineJournalwhile I waited.

Once I’d made it clear that I hadn’t expected her to spend the night in my bed, Alexa had turned on her heels and fled to the guest room like a scalded cat, with an excuse about wanting to go out for a run. Without Albert available to accompany her, that left me no choice but to wait in the lobby for her.

The going-for-a-run statement could have been merely an excuse to get away from me, and I’d soon find out. Confronting her upstairs would have been rude, not to mention probably leading to another fight I didn’t need.

After a moment the elevator doors opened and she emerged, stopping as soon as she laid eyes on me. “What are you doing?”

I slid the phone back in my armband and walked over to her. “Waiting for you. You said you wanted to go for a run, so here I am.”

“I meant alone,” she said under her breath.

“After last night, if you wanted alone, you should have chosen the treadmill.”

She thought for a second. “We should talk about that.”

I took her hand. “We can talk while we run,” I said loud enough for prying ears. I added not only a grin, but a nod in Xavier’s direction.

She came along without complaint and even added a small wave to our audience.

“Have a nice run,” Xavier called before the door closed behind us.

On the street, a glance back confirmed that he had picked up his phone. Once we were a few yards away from the door and our doorman, Alexa pulled her hand free. “I want to run alone.”

I took her hand again. “We’re in public,” I said leaning in close enough to catch the strawberry scent of her hair. “And I said I’d keep you safe.”

She relaxed her hand in mine. “I run alone in Brooklyn all the time without any problem.”

“We are not going to argue about this.”

“Why not? It’s what I do best.” As the light turned, she darted away, across the street to the park.

I jogged to keep up, but not to catch her just yet. The view from behind was too good. The way her legs looked in those shorts, and that ass—it was a sight I wanted to burn into my brain for later, when I was alone.

She turned down a path into the park.

I was an eminently eligible bachelor, if I did say so myself, and here I was reduced to memorizing a girl’s ass so I could jerk off alone when I got home to the privacy of my shower. Worst of all, she hated my guts.

Mentally I swore at my dad. It was because of him that I couldn’t be out tonight—or any night for some time—locating the next woman who’d beg to be ass up in my bed getting pounded. Life wasn’t fucking fair.

Alexa glanced back. “Can’t keep up?”

I knew it would rile her up, so I let the words fly. “Just admiring the view.”

“You’re pathetic.” She coupled those words with an acceleration I hadn’t expected. When she’d said she was an acceptable runner, she hadn’t been kidding.

Speeding up, I caught her before the next turn. “Nice try, but I can run too.”

Her breathing was heavier than before. “Talented, huh? Good. You take the north half, and I’ll check out the south.”

“We stick together. I’m your protection.”

“And who protects me from you?” she got out between ragged breaths.

“Pace yourself, gorgeous. It’s a big park.”

She slowed to her previous pace. “If you can’t keep your eyes forward, maybe we really should split up.”

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