Page 51 of Devil in a Tux

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She put a finger behind her ear. “And?”

I started simple. “He’s from Manhattan.”

“From Manhattan, you say?” Rita turned over the paper on her desk and tapped it. “Might he be tall and handsome like this man?”

It was a picture of Evan and me from two nights ago. I swallowed hard.

“The Shark of Wall Street,” she read from the paper. “Sounds like a proper rogue.” She giggled. “Not judging. I once dated this boy from the Bronx, and he had a motorcycle. My father was fit to be tied.” She fanned herself. “Before Sydney, of course.”

I spent the next ten minutes avoiding detailed answers regarding me and Evan before I finally made it to my desk and was able call the flower sender.

“Hey there, gorgeous,” he answered.

“You have got to stop with the flowers,” I told him. “It’s getting ridiculous.”

“Every day for a month would be ridiculous, but every day for a week is merely romantic.”

I hated that I agreed with him. “Does that mean you’ll stop next week.”

“No promises.”



I hitmy home gym early the following Friday morning. As I began lifting weights, my mind wandered. After three weeks of fake-dating Alexa, we were getting into a groove. We’d go out to dinner at a location that got us photographed and into the gossip rags. Then we’d drive across the river to Brooklyn where we’d argue about whether I could walk her up to her door or not.

She always won, or rather I let her win.

The yell came down the hall. “Anybody home?”

It was my stupid brother, Noah. Who else would be here before breakfast? This was one of those days I wished we hadn’t given each other keys. “In here,” I yelled back.

He came around the corner. “I can count for you if you run out fingers.”

“Fuck off,” I grunted at the top of a press. “What are you doing here so early?”

“That doesn’t look that hard.”

I rolled my eyes. “I’ll tell you what, while I’m pressing, you can use the squat rack. It’s open.” I had my own full set of equipment to save time. I could fit in a session whenever I wanted.

“Nah. I got enough exercise climbing the stairs to this place.”

“You’re full of shit.”

He shrugged. “Well, I thought about it. I only used the elevator because I didn’t want to be late.”

“Late for what?”

He held up a binder. “Late telling you how photogenic you and Alexa are. There’s so much material on you two, I started a photo album for you.”

“Ass.” I went back to lifting.

He produced a bottle from behind his back. “And, I’m paying off our bet.”

“That’s more like it.”

He set the bottle down. “The album will be great to show people when they want to know how you two met, especially your kids. And then there’s the grandkids.”

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