Page 50 of Devil in a Tux

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The morning after our date at the Golden Oak, a delivery had arrived—another dozen dresses, all in the correct size and with labels I could never consider buying for myself. Calling Evan to complain had only resulted in a reminder that an actress wore what the wardrobe department provided and to not argue about his gifts. Running my hands over the luxurious fabric had squelched any further objections. Admittedly, I’d even smiled as I pushed my old things aside to make room in my closet. This part of being an actress I could get used to.

Though I’d definitely need to learn not finish every morsel of food we were served or I’d soon need a whole new wardrobe. Wouldn’t that serve Evan right?

When I turned on my phone, it immediately chimed that I had text messages.

EVAN: Good morning, gorgeous.

That was his typical first-of-the-morning text, and what had originally annoyed me was growing a little bit more tolerable every day.

EVAN: I hope you have a wonderful day.

Rather than dwell on whether he was sincere or not, I opened the first of the websites I now checked every morning to see the latest progress in our joint operation to fool the public into believing Evan was a normal guy.

Several pictures of us exiting last night’s restaurant popped up.

One week now and the latest McAllister Minx is still around. This foxy lady and the devilish Shark of Wall Street have been seen out and about, every night. The latest pictures are from Le Cirque, where the couple was quite affectionate. We’ve learned she prefers lamb to steak, and her first name is Allie, but so far our sources have yet to come up with her full name. Rest assured we will find out. Stay tuned as we count the days she lasts. If the Shark’s pattern holds, she’ll be replaced by an old flame before the end of the month. Join the conversation below and vote for your pick as to who will repeat as a Minx and replace the Shark’s latest meal. Bonus question, how long will she last? We’ll share the results of our survey tomorrow.

A list of women’s names followed: Natalia, Aurora, and Samantha. I stopped reading. Printing that my name was Allie meant someone had overhead Evan calling me that at dinner. Since nobody knew me by that name, it didn’t bother me much. Vote on who was going to replace me? And how long I’d last? That was sick. I closed the browser window. Also what was wrong with liking lamb? They certainly had me pegged as a loser. But they were wrong. I’d see to that.

On the bright side, I’d completed a week with Evan and the paparazzi still hadn’t found out my name, which was wonderful. Being mobbed outside restaurants was tough enough, but I knew the camera jackals also liked to hang out around people’s homes and work. Both of those scared the ever-living shit out of me, and having my name would be the gateway to them putting it all together.

Twice already we’d been followed, but both times Albert had lost them. How long would I be safe from them finding out where I lived? When I’d agreed to this, I had no idea how bad being in the spotlight could be. Now it was too late.

Pulling out my hair dryer, I recalled something my mom had always said, “Winners look on the bright side; losers don’t.” At least this acting gig had a side benefit. I was well fed and saving on grocery money. That seemed bright to me.

I missed her. Before turning on the dryer, I wiped a tear away. I’d promised Mom I’d always be strong.

* * *

The Three SistersFund had a top efficiency rating because we all donated our fundraising and management time. Everything we raised went to the children.

That hadn’t stopped Chelsea from giving me a big Starbucks gift card in appreciation of the McAllister gift, though. And when I opened the door to Perlmutter Accounting this morning, I carried fruits of that card, three steaming cups of Starbucks’ best mocha latte from down the street. It was the second time this week.

Rita Perlmutter greeted me inside the door with a bright smile and her arms out. “You’re an angel. Caffeine, just what I need.”

“Not again,” I said, spying the bouquet of flowers on the side table.

“Quite the admirer you have,” Rita noted.

The first delivery had been sweet, and the second very nice, but flowers every day was going too far in my book. “I’ll get him to stop.”Somehow… So far my complaints had done no good.

She held the cup I offered her to her nose. “Smells heavenly. Is it mocha?”

I put the other two down. “Only the best for you and Sydney.” I’d heard them lamenting once how much they craved mochas, but how irresponsible it would be to buy them from Starbucks. Sydney had done the math on two a day and decided it was a luxury they could put off.

“What’s the commotion out here?” Sydney demanded, emerging from his office.

Rita held up her cup. “Look what Alexa brought us.”

“I don’t want one,” Sydney said, shaking his head. “Alexa, you have to stop this.”

Rita scooted the second cup closer. “Goody. Two for me.”

“I meant next time.” Sydney moved fast for a man his age, plucking the remaining cup from the table and scurrying back to his office.

“I say you can spoil us any day of the week,” Rita whispered as she handed me the remaining latte. “So tell me about him.” She pointed at the flowers.

“Just a guy who’s been hitting on me.”

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