Page 163 of Devil in a Tux

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She nodded. “Maybe he’s mellowing.”

I let it drop.

She would have told me if there had been a breakthrough, wouldn’t she?

Alexa stood and placed a hand on my shoulder. “I have to go check in with Chelsea.”

I nodded. “Sure.”

Diane pointed her fork at me. “You’re plotting something. What is it?”

Rachel piped up. “If he’s got a surprise planned, you can’t ask him.”

Noah disagreed. “Why not.”

“Because if he told you, it wouldn’t be a surprise anymore,” Rachel answered as if logic would work on my brother.

I stayed mum.

“Are you sure?” Gwen asked Diane.

Miranda nodded for Diane. “Never doubt her instincts on stuff like this.”

I looked at Albert. “Don’t you say a thing.”

He raised his hands. “I won’t. I like my job.”

It went on like that for a few more minutes, with the girls insisting I had something planned and trying to guess what it was.

“What’s going on?” Alexa asked when she returned and caught a snippet of the questioning.

Gwen pointed at me. “He’s hiding something.”

“Really?” she asked sitting down.

“Diane says so,” Miranda added. “And she knows this stuff.”

“Do you know what he has planned?” Noah asked.

“If he told us it wouldn’t be a secret, now would it?” Alexa answered.

Rachel nodded. “That’s what I said.

* * *


The dinner plateshad been cleared, and the silent auction results announced.

Evan had bid on and won a Cartier watch for me. We’d had the argument before arriving, and I’d lost. Since the money went into the fund, I wasn’t allowed to complain about what he got me.

Chelsea stood on the small stage, microphone in hand. She was into her wrap-up speech. “Thank you all for coming to support Three Sisters Fund.” Her voice carried well through the speakers. “I promised to keep this short and not bore you to death.”

A few people laughed.

She went on to quote our statistics for the year, and our plan to add another New York hospital to our coverage area. True to her word, it was much shorter than last year.

“Now, before we start the dancing,” she said. “We have an event for you that was added late and therefore isn’t on tonight’s program.”

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