Page 122 of Devil in a Tux

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Her mouth went wide when she withdrew the dress from the bag. “Oh my God. Where did you get this?”

“It’s amazing what you can find at the thrift store the week after the Met gala every year.”

She slid her hand over the fabric. “Ooh,” she cooed. “What is this made of?”

“That’s your department, not mine.”

She attached the hangar to a hook on the wall and started searching the interior of the dress. Eventually, she found a tag. Her mouth gaped open. “Versaci? Are you fucking kidding me? You can’t buy me something like this.”

“Would you rather it said Old Navy?”

She fished a shoe off the floor and threw it at me.

I ducked in time. “I thought you'd think it was nice.”

“This isn’t nice, this is exquisite. What did I say about buying me expensive gifts, Ev? You have got to cut this shit out. It’s not fair because you know I can’t reciprocate.”

“I don’t need anything from you except your company.” I ventured closer now that she didn't have a shoe in her hand. “But I do have a reputation to uphold and in this dress, you’d look stunning.”

“So, all I am tonight is arm candy and I’m supposed to shut up, smile, and hang on your arm?”

“And laugh at my jokes. You forgot that one.”

“Don’t hold your breath for that.”

Once again, she was trying to instigate an argument, but for a reason, I couldn’t discern. “People expect me to bring the most beautiful woman in the five boroughs. Would you rather wear this and be that woman or something less and embarrass us both?”

She ran her hand over the fabric again. “I guess embarrassing you wouldn’t be right.”

I took her face in my hands and gave her a quick kiss on the forehead. “That's my girl. You might even enjoy yourself. Remember, I’ll have to leave you to spend some time schmoozing old man Hartford by myself?”

She nodded. “Yeah. I remember. Translation, you need to ditch me so the menfolk can talk business.”

“Unless you want to join me while I listen to him pitch his proposal about his idea for new medical cream that doubles as a cure for both jock itch and toenail fungus.”

She rolled her eyes. “Having zero experience with either of those, I think I'll pass.”

“I thought so. And, I didn’t want you to be alone, so I arranged for security.”

“That’s ridiculous. What am I gonna do with you?”

I winked at her suggestively, “I can think of something.” I stroked a finger down her shoulder.

She backed out of reach. “No way, Mr. Horn Dog.” She touched the hair at the back of her neck. “I had to endure an hour of torture to get this hair, and I'm not letting you screw it up before we even arrive. No hands, no hickeys, no nothing. I mean it.” She waved me away. “Don’t you have something to keep you busy while I finish, money to count, or cuff links to polish?”

When Alexa announced that she was finally ready, she was truly a sight to behold. She twirled for me and my mouth watered, I wanted to kiss her and taste her so badly. “What do you think?”

“I think we better make sure the event has its medical coverage all paid up. You’re going to be giving everyone there whiplash when you walk in.”

She went ten shades of red. “Stop it. I’m just a poor girl from Brooklyn playing dress up.” She moved closer and straightened my bow tie. “You clean up pretty well yourself, Mr. McAllister.”

“I’m serious, Allie. You’ve taken gorgeous to a whole new level tonight.”

Downstairs, she stopped just outside the elevator. “Go to the desk and wait for me.” She pointed.

It wasn’t the oddest thing she’d ever said, so after a shrug, I crossed the lobby to the concierge desk.

Once I turned, Alexa strode confidently my way.

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