Page 98 of Passion at the Lake

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“Talking to her about it was the right thing to do, and Stacy likes the idea of me getting a job.”

I smiled. “Great. I’ll be in touch after talking to the powers that be tomorrow.” I tossed the phone back into my purse and started the car.

I was getting free of Kevin, I had Boone to look forward to later tonight, and I now had a way to free up enough time to get serious on my consulting gig.


Angela (Ten dayslater)

For two weeks now,Boone had spent every evening with me—and every night. Yet it never felt like our time together was enough to make up for the years apart. We had eight more days until Grace returned, which meant nine until I left. It would have to be enough.

After work, I took the dogs for a walk along the lake. On the path, I couldn’t help but marvel at how things had changed for me. This had to be a rebound relationship, but I’d read those could be intense. I also wondered if it was too much too quickly. Was I letting the situation overtake me, or was I maintaining the control I’d promised myself?

I turned around at the spot where Boone had pointed out the island in the middle of the lake that he’d said we would picnic on, the one he swore wasn’t overrun by deadly snakes.

On the walk back, I contemplated this evening’s problem. The Bensons had a quaint tradition where all the siblings, even though they were grown up and out of the house, joined their parents for family dinner on occasion, and tonight was one of those nights.

Boone had pressured me to join him, but not too much. It had been clear he wanted me to go—to show me off, as it were.

I hadn’t given him an answer. Was my hesitation to prove my independence during my final week here? I’d been compliant for so long with Kevin that saying no to Boone was a complete departure for me. Did I need to disappoint Boone merely to make a point that I was now an independent woman?

In the group we’d talked about the need to break out of our patterns. Mine had been to acquiesce to Kevin’s insistence on anything. Rejecting Boone’s invitation was breaking my pattern, and knowing that made it palatable.

Then there was Grace’s imminent return. It would be time to leave for Mom’s soon. It didn’t seem fair to take things to another level with Boone right before we parted ways. That would only make it harder for both of us when I left.

Two good reasons should be enough for me, shouldn’t it?

Still, I agonized over whether or not to go with him. I looked back at my latest text string with the girls.

DEBBIE: Going slow is always safer. You have the rest of your life to enjoy the right guy, but not if you rush into a bad situation like before. Remember the turtle won the race.

LAURIE: If you don’t go for it, you’ll never know and if some other woman lands your Lancelot because you hold back - how will you feel then?

DEBBIE: There will be another dinner - no need to rush

LAURIE: But this is a chance to prove you’ve overcome your fear

DEBBIE: Prove to who?

LAURIE: To herself. Incremental progress, right?

DEBBIE: I don’t know why you guys ask my advice if you’re always going to ignore me

LAURIE: Deb, don’t go away and sulk - we both listen to you

DEBBIE: I gotta go - let us know what you decide

ME: Thanks - I love you both

When I reached the little cottage, I climbed into the shower to rinse off and further contemplate the decision.

* * *

I wasin the kitchen of the big house, cutting cheese to add to a cracker when I heard the sound of the front door opening. Most likely that meant Boone had arrived. On any other day, I would have relished this moment, but today, the possibility that I’d hurt him made me hope it was Marge instead and I could put off the awkward encounter.

“There you are,” he said as he came around the corner.

I quickly closed the message screen on my phone and looked up in time to catch the smile I always looked forward to. “Same place as always.” I’d been parked in front of my laptop for a while now.

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