Page 81 of Passion at the Lake

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“It was all my fault.”

“The arrest?” I asked.

“It was obviously the Pollocks messing with us. But what I wanted to say is that it’s entirely my fault we didn’t get the chance to see how things could have progressed between us. College, the NFL, that was screwed up by the Pollocks, and who knows, I could have gotten injured. Anything could have kept me from going pro.”

I kept my grip on his hand, drawing warmth from his touch as I gazed into his tortured eyes. He was pouring his heart out in a way Kevin never would have.

“But…” He squeezed my hand. “What I realize now is that none of that matters compared to how I screwed up with you. All I can offer now is atonement.”

I didn’t know what to say to that. As I read his eyes, all I saw was contrition.

“You don’t have to decide tonight,” he continued. “But like I said, I’ll help you escape your ex and get to your mother’s place, if that’s what you want. If you could see it in your heart to give me a chance to make it up to you, I’d also like a chance to date you.”

Now, here in the real world, instead of in the dreams of a resentful teenager, bad-karma retribution didn’t hold the same appeal. I’d been head over heels for him back then, and to be honest with myself, I was attracted to the man he’d grown into as well—the kind and caring Butt God who’d helped Mrs. Clausen with her water heater that night, the boss of the hotel who helped out with cleaning rooms so Clara could get home, and the one who’d given me the pay advance I’d needed.

Stay in control—the words echoed in my head again. I couldn’t accept a man at face value again and just give in. But if we wiped the slate clean and started again, could it work? Could I stay focused enough?

Tentatively, I traced my finger up the outside of my water glass, gathering the condensation. “How would this dating thing work? Last time didn’t go so well.”

“This time we’ll trust each other, and also not keep secrets,” Boone said. “If either of us has a concern, we’ll discuss it so we don’t get on the wrong side of any assumptions.”

So far so good, I thought, but I had to ask. “And what about Lisa? Do I need to worry about her when she comes back?” Only after I asked did I realize she might not even be back before I left for Florida.

He laughed—not a belly laugh, but a discreet chortle meant to not draw attention to us. “About as much as I’m expecting to worry about Devlin.”

“He’s a tool,” I whispered. As Boone’s intense gaze bore into me, I brought up the final issue. “I won’t be in town long.”

His head bobbed slowly. “I understand.” He knew the days were ticking down to Grace’s return. “That gives me three weeks to work on changing your mind about that.”

The idea of staying longer both thrilled and terrified me, but now was not the time to talk about Kevin. I’d stay in control, and when the time came, I’d take Debbie’s advice and cut it off, whatever it became—whatever we became.

“Wine me and dine me?” I asked.

He nodded. “And moonlight strolls by the lake. Whatever you want.”

I wasn’t brave enough to say out loud what I wanted. It included those things, but also the naked times we’d never gotten a chance at before. My fingers tingled just imagining what getting my hands on the Butt God would feel like.

He leaned over the table. “Look, Angela, I meant what I said. Where this goes is entirely up to you. Seeing you again has made me realize that although I let you go, I never got over you. I screwed up our chance before. I hope it’s not too late, but if it is, that’s on me.”

I can pull this of, if I can stay in control.“You said,” I started, “you’d give me a thousand dollars of travel money and take care of the dogs so I could leave tomorrow for Florida?”

His face fell. “Yes. Or two thousand, if that’s what you need.”

Boone was more than the Butt God I’d noticed my first night here, he was a good man. After Kevin, a good man was exactly what I deserved, and what I needed.

“You give me a thousand now and agree to watch the dogs, and I’ll stay.”

He pulled his hand back. “Okay. I meant what I said. I can get you the money as soon as the bank opens,” he said with resignation in his voice. “You should be able to make Florida by dinnertime.”

I smiled, because he didn’t get it. “No, give me the money and the dog assurance, and we can date. But I want the freedom to leave at any time, if I feel uncomfortable.”

His face lit up like a Christmas tree. “You got it, Angel.”

That nickname once more sent a shower of tingles through me. If I closed my eyes for a second, I knew I’d see us back under the bleachers again, practicing kissing.

“Speaking of the dogs,” I said. “It’s about time I let them out again, and they also haven’t been for a walk today.”

He stood and threw bills on the table. “A walk with you and the dogs sounds perfect. And I’d love to hear what exactly you do with that laptop of yours.”

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