Page 174 of Passion at the Lake

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“My mother,” I mouthed to him.

“Where are you now? I’m sorry I didn’t ask last time.”

“A little town in Virginia called Clear Lake. And Mom, I met a man.”

Boone closed the distance to me.

“Oh, that’s wonderful,” Mom exclaimed. “You probably have to get back to your party. Maybe you could think about timing and we could talk again soon.”


After we said our goodbyes, Boone looked at me questioningly. “Well?”

I tried and failed to keep a straight face. “She wants me to visit.”

He lifted me into a bear hug. “I’m happy for you. Family is the most important thing.” He ran a hand over my hair. “What do you say we get back to the party? They’ll be opening up the dance floor any minute.”

I nodded through my tears of joy.

* * *


We’d been dancingfor an hour when the music stopped and Dad rang a big cowbell. The crowd stilled.

“Time for the cake cutting,” he announced in a booming voice.

I tugged Angela along to be at the front of the crowd with a good view of the cake-cutting ceremony. I clamped my girl to my side as the newlyweds cut their slices and fed each other.

It was very civilized, with no smashing of cake in anyone’s face. Too bad. But Jordan did manage to get some frosting on Case’s nose.

When they finished, Angela was ready to return to the tables for her cake, but I held her here with me.

“What?” she whispered.


Mom and Dad were busy cutting slices for the cake. “Waylon and Anna, can you help pass the cake around?” Mom asked them.

Anna grabbed two plates and took them to the nearest table.

When she returned for more, Waylon was on one knee, offering Anna a slice of cake. She gasped as her hands went to her face in surprise. I caught the glint from the ring’s diamond and knew instantly that my guess had been right.

The crowd hushed.

Hoots and applause broke out when she saidyes, or more accuratelyhell yesto Waylon’s question.

Angela leaned into me. “Did you know about this?”

“Let’s say I had a feeling.”

* * *


The crowd thinnedas it got later, and I shucked my heels to dance barefoot with my man.

As the song ended, Boone took my hand and led me back toward the tables. “I have something I’d like to show you.”

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