Page 143 of Passion at the Lake

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I poured ice water from the fridge container. “It’s a consulting project.”

“Looks complicated. What kind of project?”

I returned the water pitcher to the refrigerator. “It’s an evaluation of a few alternative sites for a new store for national chain.” I carried the water over and handed it to her.

“Thank you. Which national chain?”

“That’s confidential. I can’t say.”

“And they don’t want to pick by themselves?”

“My job is to give them a bunch of metrics to consider. I don’t make the decision.”

“What kind of metrics?” she asked.

This was more interest in my work than Grace had ever shown. “Demographics, spending trends, parking and traffic studies, distances and travel times to competitors, zoning and planning considerations. Recent planning board decisions and comments so they can get an idea of issues that might arise if they seek approval to build.”

She’d been fingering a map of Peterville on top. “In Peterville?”

I nodded. “That’s one of the cities for consideration.”

She put a finger on the folder label, and her eyes bored into me. “HD better not stand for Home Depot.”

I swallowed. “I’m not allowed to discuss the client, but it’s not Home Depot.” Even that denial was technically in breach of my non-disclosure agreement, but it had to be said.

She sighed a relieved breath. “Good. That would devastate Boone, and I’d have to kill you for him.” She sipped her water. Her loyalty to Boone certainly ran deep.

“Good thing it’s not then,” I joked.

“Speaking of Boone—”

“I don’t want to talk about him.” I hadn’t expected Boone to send her to do his bidding, so maybe I didn’t know him that well.

She set her glass down. “Let me start by apologizing for not listening to you about Kevin.”

Now we were in uncharted territory. Grace had never apologized to me for anything.

“I understand from Marge how unhappy you were with him, and I… Well, it doesn’t matter why, but I was wrong to suggest you tough it out.”

I sat back in my chair and added steel to my voice. “The Kevin you think you know is not the real Kevin.”

She reached for me. “I’m sorry. As your sister, I should have had your back. Once again, I have no excuse and can only ask for your forgiveness.”

What could anyone say to that? I took the hand she offered. “Of course. We’re sisters.”

“Can we go forward and leave that in the past?” she asked.

“Past,” I agreed.

“Good. Let’s talk about the future. Priscilla thinks you and Boone make a wonderful couple.”

“You talked to Pris?”

“And anybody else I could ask about you and Boone.” That was a lot more effort than I’d expect from her. “They all said they thought you two were good together. Well, all except Lisa Fox.”

I snorted a laugh. “No surprise there.”

“And why do you care?”

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