Page 142 of Passion at the Lake

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“How long?”

“I have no idea. You have to wait for her memories of your times together to resurface and get her to reconsider.”

“She’ll be leaving town before long. What if it takes longer than that?”

He scooted the chair back and stood. “Not all relationships work out. If she’s not ready, she’s not ready. Now, I have to get back to your mother and move a tree for her.”

It took all my strength to not slam my fist through the wall in anger. I hated what he’d said, but as always, it was logical. I’d probably lost her for good.

I stood, and we shook. “Thanks, Dad.”

“Sometimes it’s good to have a plan B.” He stopped at the door. “I hear Lisa Fox is back in town.”


Angela (One week later)

Hidingin Pris’s cabin to get my work done had proven to be good for concentrating. I’d established a simple routine, working on my Lee Pollock mystery materials early in the morning and then switching to my HD site selection project after lunch. When Pris returned at dinner time, we’d go over the Lee materials together for a short time before I went back to the HD project.

A text arrived after Pris had left for the day.

LAURIE: How’s it going?

I hadn’t heard from Laurie in several days. They both knew about my breakup with Boone and that I was stuck in town for a few more weeks, but the issue with my mom had been too painful to address.

ME: So far so good. Thanks for checking in

LAURIE: Good to hear.

I set the phone down and plugged it in to charge, half expecting it to chime with another message, but none came.

I was still in the pajamas Boone had sent, and it was time to shower and dress properly. I’d had trouble sleeping, stressing about my situation, and the pajamas were luxurious enough to help with that—despite where they’d come from.

They were the last gift Boone had sent before he’d given up a week ago. It was over. I’d made the decision to put an end to us, and I’d seen it through to completion, refusing to give in, maintaining control of the situation like I’d promised I would.

So why didn’t that make me happier?

Tonight, Pris had scheduled us for girls’ night at The Peanut Barrel, which meant I had to hustle to get all my work done before then.

I got up to shower and dress, lest I sit here and get Boone on the brain.

* * *

It wasnear lunchtime when a knock at the door surprised me.

“Angela? It’s Grace.”

“Just a minute,” I quickly swept the Lee papers I had on the desk into a pile and stuffed them in the expanding file I’d been using. Reorganizing would take time, but I couldn’t risk anyone seeing them.

After hiding the file under the loveseat, I lifted my HD folder onto the desk and spread out a few of the pages before opening the door.

“Can we talk?” Grace asked. She was alone and standing far back from the door, like a door-to-door salesman trying to appear unintimidating. This was a new approach for the tough sister I knew. Toughness was probably what made her good at her job with the hotel.

I waved her inside. “Sure.” My hostess manners kicked in. “Would you like some coffee or water?”

“Water would be fine.” She sat at the table and looked over the papers I’d spread out. “What are you working on?”

Asking rather than telling was also unusual for her.

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