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She pulled a bottle of white wine out of the fridge and closed the door. “Consider yourself relieved of your stupid promise. I’m not getting run out of my own house.”

I put my hand out for the bottle. “Now who’s calling who stupid?”

She scowled and handed it over.

I set it on the counter and moved toward her. “It’s not that simple. You need to come with me.”

She backed away. As her eyes narrowed, it became apparent I hadn’t won the argument yet. “Need to? I don’tneedto do anything.”

I advanced closer. “Should,” I suggested. “It’s the smart thing to do.”

She stepped back, but the fridge halted her retreat. “What’s it to you anyway?”

I caged her with a hand on either side of the refrigerator door. “You went to Stanford; you tell me.”

Her breath was warm against me as our bodies almost touched.

“I’m stupid, remember?” She tilted her head up toward mine.

Even in the dim light, the evident blush filling her cheeks said she understood my meaning.

“I care about you, Nickels.” I lowered my head so our noses almost rubbed. “A lot.”

Her hand came up behind my neck as she pulled herself toward me. Her lips were soft as they met mine with sweet, light pressure that grew as her other hand came around me and she pulled us together. Body heat met body heat as we deepened the kiss. My tongue sought entrance, and her lips parted. We began the soft, sweet tango of lovers exploring each other for the first time. The tentative movements of her tongue became quickly more intentional, more deliberate, more assertive, more passionate.

The moan she released when I gripped her ass and pulled her against my straining cock was erotic music. She pulled at me. She was loosening the leash on the tigress within. Our kiss became needier, more primal as her nails scratched my skin and she pulled herself against me with a hunger for more—more that I was happy to give her.

My hand came up between us to caress a hot breast through fabric I was going to quickly get out of the way. Another needy moan escaped her as I circled the concealed nipple.

The coconut scent of her hair transported me to a beach. Instead of being in partial darkness with her backed against the stainless steel refrigerator, I imagined her up against a palm tree, with sand under our feet, warm trade winds in our hair, and the tropical sun beating down. The scene was one of passion unleashed.

The temperature between us rose quickly as I slipped my hand under the hem of her shirt. I pulled her away from the refrigerator door long enough to unclasp her bra with a quick pinch behind her. My hand made its way around to feel the velvety softness of her skin and the weight of her boob in my hand as I teased her nipple between my thumb and forefinger.

She responded by rocking herself into my erection.

My phone went off in my pocket with Dad’s distinctive train-whistle ring tone. His timing sucked.

I ignored it. “Dad can wait.”

When it sounded another time, Nicole pulled away. “You better get that,” she said breathlessly.

I kissed her nose. “You’re more important.”

She giggled. “We’ve got time.” She pushed at my shoulders. “Answer it.”

Reluctantly, I pulled away, instantly missing the feel of her soft warmth under my hand, and swiped the screen to answer.

“Hi, Dad.” I leaned back against the counter.

“Josh, there’s been a change of plans.”

“Change in what plans?” I asked.

Nicole took her final hand off me and carried the wine bottle to the counter.

“I’ve scheduled a meeting for nine tomorrow to discuss the Rossi-Smith consolidation,” Dad said.

The words knocked the breath out of me. “Why tomorrow?” I walked into the other room to continue this conversation.

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