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She tapped on the phone’s screen.

I grabbed again, but still didn’t reach the phone. “Hey. What are you doing?”

“I saw that look. I’m just making sure you’re being polite.” She turned the phone so I could see it.

ME: Can’t wait

It was too forward for my taste, but his instant reply quelled my apprehension.

JOSH: Same here

“You can thank me later,” Lara said as she put the phone back on the console.

The response she’d elicited from Josh alluded to lots of post-dinner possibilities. Sandy would love to hear about this.

I smiled and pulled away from the curb. From what Lara had said, Uncle Ernst had blamed her out of spite. But I’d learned that with Lara, there was sometimes another side to the story. For her sake, I hoped that wasn’t true today.

* * *

I parkedat the impound lot. “One more thing.”

She unbuckled but waited.

“There are guys at the house, fixing it.”

“Okay. Fixing what?”

“Somebody broke in, painted a threat on the rug, and broke a few windows.”

Her mouth hung open. “What the fuck? Why?”

I shrugged, trying to keep the whole thing low key. “Who knows?”


At least she wasn’t freaked. “Anyway, I’ll meet you back at the house tonight.”

“Whatever.” Lara pulled out her credit card and left to get her truck.

I owed Sandy a call, so I dialed as I headed to work.

“Hey, girl,” she started out rapid fire. “I’ve been worried about you. How are you going to get back from bumfuck Iowa or wherever? Are they sending you another plane or what?”

I couldn’t get a word in until she took a breath. “It was Sioux City, Iowa, and I’m back.”

“Wow, I just saw on TV how your plane made an emergency landing, and the plane they sent to get you broke too. What a joke. I’m not flying with them again.”

She was blowing smoke. If I knew Sandy, she’d fly with them again for two dollars less than the alternative.

“Josh flew me home last night,” I said as soon as I could get another word in.

That stalled Freight Train Sandy for a second before she asked, “Josh?”

“The guy in blue from Barbados,” I filled in.

“Not bad, girl. Now spill. How’d you hook him?”

I laughed. “I didn’thookhim. I ended up next to him on the later flight I got bumped to.”

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