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I laid the phone down. Pursuing it tonight wouldn’t get me anywhere.

Diego returned to top off my water glass.

I ignored Sandy and took another bite of my dinner. “What time’s our flight?”

“Late enough in the afternoon that you two can sleep in, if you get lucky.”

Diego delivered the green cocktail to Mr. Studious with a quick point in our direction.

A smile grew on the man’s face as he looked over and lifted his glass to me. The smile was a definite improvement.

Sandy kicked me under the table. “Wave.”

I returned his smile and offered a quick wave before looking back at my dinner.

“Now that wasn’t so hard, was it?”

“No,” I admitted. Glancing up again, I couldn’t avert my gaze when I caught him looking our way.

Mr. Studious took a sip of his drink and nodded at me with a pucker of his lips. Had he just thrown me a kiss? His lips moved a little more. He seemed to be asking a silent question, but what?

Lip reading was Sandy’s thing, but she hadn’t been looking over.

What am I supposed to do now?I could tell when some idiot driver mouthedfuck youthrough his window, but that was about as far as my talent went. I settled for a pinky wave before averting my gaze and forking the last of my salad.

“That’s a good start. Just a little flirty. Keep him on the line.”

“I’m not fishing, just being polite.”

“It’s time to get back in the saddle, girl. And besides, that one’s packin’.”

Leave it to Sandy to judge a guy’s package from afar. Whereas my assessment usually started with a man’s shoulders, hers always began much lower.

“The longer you put it off, the more power you’re giving Mo. You can’t let fear run your life.”

“It’s not the right time yet,” I countered.

She called it fear; I called it patience and prudence.

“Sure it is. One last night here in paradise. Loosen up. Allow yourself to have a little fun. Get crazy, for God’s sake. You’ll never see the guy again. What could be simpler?”

I moved the last of my pasta around on my plate. “It’s a little soon.”

“Six days is soon. It’s been six months since Mo walked out.”

My fork dropped, and my hand went to my mouth, holding back the urge to upchuck.

Sandy grimaced. “Sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.”

As the spasms in my gut lessened, I took another sip of water. The image of Mo walking out of my life without a minute’s notice was one I wished I could forget.

“Will you be okay?” she asked, rubbing my shoulder.

Another sip of water helped. “Sure.”

“I still say the best way to forget your bad memories is to create new good ones, starting with tonight.”

“If you think he’s so hot, why don’t you walk over and pick him up or whatever?”

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