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“Goodbye, Josh.”

“Later gator.”

“Later,” I replied.

“Love you, Nickels.”

I pushed up off the floor and trudged up the stairs without responding to that. When I reached my room, I peeked out the window. His car pulled away from the curb. Exhausted, I flopped back onto my bed.

When I closed my eyes, I saw it all. Josh, my rescuer, demanding money from Bad Dad for my phone. Josh, my rock, keeping me sane during those terrifying minutes on the plane. Josh, my savior, getting me back from Iowa in time to bail out Lara. Josh, my protector, taking me to his palace in the sky when my door had been broken down. Josh, my knight, holding me all night long, protecting me from the demons in my sleep. Josh, Rossi’s savior, who’d written a personal check to keep the company afloat. Josh, Rossi’s protector, who’d fended off the push to merge us with Smith’s. Josh, my everything.

It had all started for me that weekend too, just the way he’d described. I’d never met a man like him, and probably never would again.

I forced my eyes open. “Stop fantasizing about what can’t be, Rossi,” I yelled at the empty room. “It was good while it lasted, and now it’s over. Get over it, woman.” I huffed at my lack of self-control. I had to be stronger than this. I came from better stock. I was a Rossi.


I rushed downstairs and pulled open the door. The bag was there, just as he’d said. I picked up the food, slipped back inside, and locked the door behind me. My mouth watered all the way to the kitchen where I pulled out the first taco. Even cold and wilted, these were still the best in town.

I couldn’t prevent my smile when I saw the note scribbled on the bag.

A tasty treat

For my girl who can’t be beat



“Goofball,” I said to the empty room.

Chapter 42


A glass of wine later,the tacos were digesting, Echo had been out, and I sat on the couch again, wrapped in my blanket. I hadFriendsback on to keep my brain occupied.

The doorbell rang. Really? Again?

Asshole Benson.

Echo barked once—my backup doorbell.

I’d told Josh I didn’t want to see him. He wasn’t supposed to be back again today.

I put a hand against the door, took a breath, and prepared to crank up the volume. “I told you—” I yelled.

“Told me what?” came from outside. It was Constance’s voice.

I opened the door.

Constance stood on the porch in her usual leather bomber jacket, jeans, and a smile.

Echo forced his way past me to sniff her.

She leaned over to rub his head. “Hi, boy.”

“Sorry. I thought you were… Forget it.”

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