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“No. They only let me touch things that never lived—gems and rocks, the inanimate stuff.”

Adam looked over his glass. “Well, a moon rock is pretty exciting.”

“We have those, and meteorites too, including one that came from the moon.” She took another not-dainty gulp, almost draining her glass.

Adam nodded. “Kells says you’re very good at what you do.”

Yolanda’s face lit up. “Did she now?”

I shrugged. “An unintended compliment might have slipped out.”

She downed the last of her drink. “Adam, I like you. You’re already having a good effect on her.”

Adam clinked his glass against mine. “See? Someone thinks I’m not all bad.”

I rolled my eyes. “Don’t let it go to your head.”

Yolanda put her empty glass down. “I’ll be asleep in ten minutes. You two kids have fun, and don’t worry about making noise. I’ll be dead to the world.”

I blushed at her assumption that Adam and I would soon be banging my headboard against the wall.

Adam placed his arm around me again. “We’ll be good, won’t we?” His body heat was distractingly nice up against me.

I nodded, and it hit me. With his rule that nobody could know, not even Yolanda, that meant we had to share my bedroom—and the bathroom. He couldn’t sleep downstairs like I’d planned.

My face heated at the thought.

Chapter 9


I pouredmyself another round from the bottle with my free hand and hovered it over her glass. “Another?”

She nodded.

Her glass got a smaller portion than mine.

She lifted her glass. “Where the hell did Sugarbear come from anyway?”

I kissed her temple. “I think it fits you.”

I didn’t admit that I’d had Golden Crisp cereal the morning I first saw her back in LA, and the name stuck in my mind. That was when she was just a pretty face, before I learned she carried the dreaded Benson family DNA.

It struck me that being affectionate with Kelly was becoming more natural by the minute. This acting shit wasn’t that hard. Or maybe it was because she was doing such a good job of acting non-Benson.

I let go of her and took the bottle back to the cabinet she’d retrieved it from. “This go here?”

“Anywhere over there is fine.”

I returned to her but didn’t initiate contact again. It wasn’t necessary without an audience.

She took a long gulp. “You know what this means?”


She fidgeted with her glass and finished it with another gulp. “Yolanda being back.”

I knew exactly what was bothering her but wanted her to broach it. “No, what?”

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