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“Okay,” he chuckled. “I admit it. I like him. He’s a nice guy.”

I pulled his chin my direction. “You didn’t tell me why you got called into work.”

“Just a meeting about the case.”

“Are you in trouble?”

His chest expanded with a deep breath. “I don’t think so. They’re talking about giving me a stupid medal or something. I think it’s a joke.”

“I’m sure it’s well deserved.” Relieved that his career didn’t seem to be in jeopardy, I kissed his ear. “Do you notice anything?”

He looked left and right in the dim light provided by the star stickers on my ceiling. “No.” He turned toward me and kissed my nose. “But then all I ever notice when I’m with you is how beautiful you are.”


“You changed the sound machine to ocean waves,” he said after a moment. “See? I told you it wouldn’t hurt you to experiment a little.”

He was right about that. And in the morning I intended to add the breakfast table to my experimenting.


If I had a flower for every time I thought of you… I could walk through my garden forever. - Alfred Tennyson


The tinglebetween my legs from this morning’s love-making distracted me. My throw missed the paper Adam had placed on the dartboard in the kitchen. It was a picture of Mr. Heiden.

He handed me another dart. “Try again.”

“You know there are easier ways to pick a meal.”

He shook his head. “Have a little fun.” This was his way of getting me to experiment and deal with my anger at what had happened to my friends at the same time. It wouldn’t bring Melinda or Evelyn back, but it did let me take my feelings out on their killers, one dart at a time.

I threw again. This time the dart found its mark and hit Mr. Heiden in the eye.

“Good one.” Adam pulled the paper down and turned it over to show me the recipes he’d written on the back.

I whooped. Yesterday’s dart had selected pineapple pancakes, but today I’d finally hit egg and soldiers. I’d insisted he include it in the possibilities. Even though I’d learned to appreciate the variety he enforced, I still wanted one of my old favorites every now and again.

He opened the fridge to start cooking while I went back upstairs to finish my makeup.

This morning’s breakfast ended up being just as delicious as that very first meal he’d fixed me. I’d lucked into a man that cooked me breakfast on a regular basis. How many women could say that?

“Did anybody chicken out?” he asked after a sip of orange juice.

I finished chewing before answering. “Not that I know of. They should land around three. What about your mom and dad?”

“No idea. Radio silence.”

Daddy was flying the family out for our engagement party, and Adam’s parents had been invited as well. We hoped that doing it in the neutral territory of DC instead of California would lessen the conflict between the families.

After eating, I helped Adam clean up.

On the way toward the door, I patted the top of the dining room table. “Tonight?”

“Or tomorrow at sunrise,” Adam replied with a devilish grin.

“No way. Let’s try nighttime first.” Sex on the table with a window facing the street and the sun up was a little further than I wanted to venture just yet.

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