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Chapter 45


I screamedand fell to the floor, shaking.

Adam rushed to me. He knelt and took me in his arms. “I’ve got you.”

I held on for dear life. “He…”

“Shhh. I know. I’ve got you.”

I shook so hard I could barely force out the words. “He…he was working with Len.”

He pulled me tighter and rocked me in his arms. “I know. You’ll be okay.”

I buried my head in his chest. “I called, and you came.”

“Sugarbear, I’ve got you.”

With all I put him through, I’m still his Sugarbear?“I was afraid.”

“That’s okay.”

I sobbed and pulled back to look into his eyes. “I was afraid I’d never get to tell you how much I love you.”

“Metropolitan Police. Open up.” The yell came from outside the door.

“FBI,” Adam yelled. “Suspect down. Use the back door.”

With a crash, my front door splintered and flew open.

“Hands up,” the cop yelled.

“No,” Adam said. “FBI. ID back right pocket. I’m not letting go of her.”

The cop kicked Adam’s gun away. “I said, hands up.”

“Stand down. He’s one of us.” Rylie’s voice came from outside. She rushed in and got the cop to back down.

Adam held me tight. “I’ve got you, Sugarbear, and I love you too.”

It took Rylie several minutes to get the DC cops out of my house. “FBI jurisdiction,” she kept telling them.

I rocked in Adam’s arms the whole time, finally safe in my man’s embrace. The man I loved. The man I now realized loved me. The blood on the floor, the smell of the gunpowder in the room, the arguing of the cops in the background—none of it mattered while he held me. My shivers slowly subsided.

Rylie came back in. “Cartwright, you have got to stop shooting everybody.”

“He’s the second SMK. The accomplice,” Adam told her.


“You heard me,” Adam said. “He admitted he was working with Sanderson.”

She knelt down next to us. “Adam, you have to let go of her. I have to take her statement. You know how this works.”

He continued to rock me. “Not yet. Give us a little time.”

“I need to—” she began.

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