Page 79 of Sins

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This was one of those moments I wished I hadn’t insisted I keep my bigger clients. I glanced in the mirror. The person who stared back at me was pale and worn out. “Christ, I look terrible.” I quickly washed my face and re-applied my makeup, then brushed my teeth, pinched my cheeks, and stood straight. “You’re fine,” I reassured myself. “Okay, boys, let’s go see the lord and master.” I headed down to Grim’s office to drop them off.

The elevator ride made my stomach turn, and I had to fight with my head to override it. Jesse greeted me as I stepped out, but I noticed he shot me a worried look. I gave him a little wave instead of my normal cheery good morning.

I knocked on Grim’s door and stepped inside. He was on the phone. I took the boys inside as he hastily hung up from his call.

“You okay?” He studied my face.

“I’m fine.” I forced a smile. I knew better than to give Grim a reason for me to stay in the penthouse all day. “Just a late start today.”

“Maybe you should’ve stayed in bed.”

“Grim,” I closed my eyes and fought back the prickle of sweat that shot across my forehead, “I have a job to do, clients who need me, and bills to pay.”

“Bills?” He raised an amused brow but backed off when I didn’t react with my normal feistiness. “Fine.” He squinted at me. “You sure you’re feeling all right?”

“Yes.” Leal bumped my hand, and I swung my heavy head to smile at him. “I have to meet Harris, and then we’re heading over to Indulge.” He nodded but watched me carefully as he crossed the room to where I stood. He used the back of his hand to feel my forehead. I pulled away, but he steered my head back in his direction.

“What are you not telling me?”

I leaned up and kissed his lips. “That I love you.” I winked and slid out of his hold.


“Bye, Grim.” I rushed to the door. “Bye, boys.” I blew them a kiss and avoided his glare.

I hurried down the hallway, past Jesse who hit the button for me like a gentleman, and I sank into the wall when I was finally alone.

Today was going to be hard.

I spotted Mr. Harris in the bar, but the smell of a shrimp platter on its way to the private poker room had me flying into the employee’s bathroom. The place still spun when I finally got cleaned up and back out onto the busy floor.

Come on, Kenna. I smacked myself back into gear and greeted Harris and his friends.

“You look pale,” he whispered as we made our way outside where the fresh air felt wonderful on my sticky skin. “Fun night?”

“If your idea of fun is vomiting every thirty minutes on the dot, then, sure,funnight.” He looked concerned. “I’m almost two months pregnant.” I rubbed my stomach, and his face morphed into shock then excitement.

“Well, shit, Kenna, that’s fantastic!”

I laughed lightly. “It is, but this kid is determined for me to be skin and bones. It doesn’t like food.”

“My sister was the same way. Sorry, that’s got to be rough.” He looked at the time. We were to meet some friends of his who were in town for a poker tournament. “If you don’t want to go, I’m sure we can handle this on our own.”

“And miss all the fun?” I tried to sound upbeat, but even I could hear my fatigue. “I’m known to be stubborn at times.”

“You?” He laughed, and we hurried to join the others for the short walk to Indulge. We were almost there when I heard my name called.


I shielded my glasses and saw Jayden approach us.

Harris snickered next to me. “I’ve never liked that guy.”

“Get in line.” I excused myself and walked toward Jayden. I didn’t want a client to hear anything about the Potens or that Jayden had been let go from his job at the hotel. I knew my security guys were around, and I also knew Jesse was probably getting a phone call from one of them at that moment. “Jayden.”

“We need to talk.”

I crossed my arms. “Why?”

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