Page 48 of Sins

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“Why? You agreed to get married to me.”

“Yes, and I will, but, Grim, this is huge.” She reached out and touched it. “I mean, it’s absolutely gorgeous. I’m supposed to appear single but not available.” She looked a little panicky for some reason. “Once people see that ring, it’ll spread like wildfire. I think it’s fair to say I need a moment without the spotlight being on me. Just give me some time, okay?” Her eyes pleaded.

“Hey, slow down.” I smiled and decided to approach the topic a little more softly. It took great effort, and I silently applauded myself. Besides, she had a point; she needed a breather. “That’s fair.” Her eyes widened at my understanding. “But think about what else this means.” I grinned. “This goes both ways, sweetheart. You wearing this means I’m off the market too.”

“Yes, it does.” Her expression changed to a darker one, and she pressed her chest into mine. Slowly, her hand descended and found me. I fought not to moan. “That’s right, babe, because if I see you flirting with another chick, I’ll chop your balls off, sauté them up, and feed them to the boys.”

“That’s my girl.” I slid the ring on her finger as my other hand wrapped around hers and pumped my painful erection. “Marry me?”



It was strange to wake up to a gentle alarm as opposed to the obnoxious, deafening screech that tore us from sleep in prison. It had gone off for a minute straight.

I opened one eye and tapped the snooze button, but instead of falling back to sleep, I grinned because I could hit that button and take a few more minutes if I chose to. I’d taken for granted the simple pleasures and choices you made when you were free. When I found myself in the bathroom mirror, my grin turned into a big, fat smile that stretched from ear to ear. Happy tears fell when I stepped into the shower as I realized I had it all to myself. My smile remained as I sipped a coffee that actually tasted like coffee. I sat in front of the bay window and enjoyed the feeling of the warm sun on my face.

I was finally free.

Not only was I free, but all charges had been magically dropped. How? I had no idea, but I sure as hell wasn’t going to question it.

I hung my terrycloth robe on the hook in my closet and got dressed for the day. Just as I grabbed my house keys and coffee tumbler, I felt my phone buzz in my hand. The screen read XX.

“Hello?” I wasn’t sure how to address him.

“Have you left yet?” His voice was as strong over the phone as his presence was in person.

“I was just leaving.”

“Good. You remember that you’re my eyes and ears in that place. Also, you need to keep him in check. He’s a loose cannon and makes impulsive decisions, not to mention his mouth is unpredictable.”

“I understand.” I pushed my glasses up my nose. I had to get them tightened.

“Very well,” he cleared his throat, “I’ll be in touch.”

“All right. Have a good day.” The line went dead, and I got my head on straight as I stepped out into the Nevada desert heat.

The office was only a short walk, and I made it there in a matter of ten minutes. When I came through the front doors, I caught sight of a gorgeous young woman who smiled warmly at me.

“You must be Simon.” She shoved a handful of files in my arms. “I’m Calli. Dad’s in his office,” she jerked her thumb over her shoulder, “and my late-as-ever sister is on her way in about ten minutes to bitch about last night’s family dinner.” She huffed and looked around. “That’s your desk across from mine, when I’m not in school. We have a client coming in at noon that you need to be prepped on, and the coffee maker tastes like shit, so use it at your own risk.” She finally took a breath with her hands on her hips. “Welcome to team Tame.”

My phone alerted me of a text, and it abruptly shot me out of my memory. I knew it wouldn’t be Cameron. I knew where he was; everyone did. He was terrified of being alone ever since Leo’s death, and he announced his presence loudly whenever he was in public. I still couldn’t understand why the Gates family hadn’t taken him out. Maybe I needed to give them another reason to. I glanced at the screen.

Construction Owner: He’s here. I’ll text you the address. Just remember what I told you.

Finally! I took a breath then hopped up and hurried toward the restaurant.

“Cameron.” I burst into the glass room where he sat at the table he now used as if it was his personal desk. He thrust a hand in the air to indicate he was on a call.

He glared at me then looked around to see who was watching. He had given out dinner vouchers to some high-powered clients of Grim’s, knowing rich people loved free stuff. In turn, it helped to keep him around people Grim valued. I had to admit there were times when the guy seemed smart. “Yes, I’ll be in touch.” He hung up and started to write something in his notebook.

“Cameron, you have to call that hit off Kenna. Do you know they tried to kill her in Italy?” I tugged at my tie and wondered if I should just talk to Grim myself and blow the entire thing out of the water. Trouble was, I valued my life too much and knew I couldn’t do that, not if I wanted to continue to see the light of day.

“And just exactly how do you suppose I do that?” He’d been totally unemotional and detached ever since Griple had made him choose which daughter to kill. I began to wonder if it all was just an act.

“I don’t know,” I slammed my fist on his table, “but she’s your child, dammit!”

He tossed his pen and leaned back in his seat. “No, she’s a grown woman who has chosen a side, and that side just so happens to be the wrong one. For years, I tried to warn her of the repercussions of being friends with those ruthless assholes. And now,” he realized he was shouting and quickly lowered his voice when a few people looked over, “she’s screwing around with Gates’s son.”

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