Page 44 of Sins

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Mom and Minnie entered the room with Kenna. She looked exhausted and had a bandage across her shoulder and collarbone. The idea of the pain she suffered slashed throughme. I allowed a little of the darkness to creep in. It taunted me to let it completely take over, and I fought to stay where I was while the girls fussed around Kenna.

“He gave her a shot of something,” Minnie held her hand lovingly, “and some stitches, but she’s got this.”

Andrea immediately stood and kissed Kenna’s cheek. “I’ll get you something to eat, my dear. Pain medication is not good on an empty stomach.” Andrea left the room with Piero behind her. The others started to talk quietly.

“Kenna,” Jesse squatted on the floor in front of her, “on the phone, you said you needed to tell me something, and it sounded urgent. What was that?”Interesting.

Kenna looked away. “It was nothing.”

“Kenna, you were very scared, and, in my experience, when someone's deathly afraid they make a confession,” he went on. “Call it intuition, but is there something you're not telling us? Something you’re holding back?”


“Maybe something about your father?” he pressed, and I moved closer.

“Wow,” she batted her eyelashes like she was trying to hold back tears, “after all this, you think I’m holding on to secrets about my father?”

“Are you?” fell from my mouth, and I instantly regretted it. Her face twisted, first in hurt, then in anger. The whole room went silent.

“No! You mistrusting asshole,” she snarled at me and stood. “I’m not holding secrets about my father!”

Mom also stood. “Grim, Jesse, stop. This is not the time for this.”

Sienna stepped forward. “Kenna, maybe you should?—"

“No,” Kenna threw a pained look at Sienna, “please.”

I knew it. “So, there is something going on?”

“What do I have to do to earn your trust?” Kenna’s face was twisted in anger, but the pain was what I could see the most.

“Just tell me what’s going on,” I demanded.

“I’m pregnant!” The entire room gasped, and a sudden unfamiliar feeling went through me. “There. You wanted my secret. I’m pregnant,” she repeated.

Many things ran through my head in that instant, but somehow Benny’s fucking face was right there, and I spoke without a filter. “Is it mine?” Color drained from her face, and I could practically hear her heart break from where I stood.


“We weren't exclusive,” I tried to explain, but I needed to know, “and you had a few dates with Benny.”

“Fucking asshole.” Minnie glared at me, and Brick put a hand on her shoulder.

Kenna shook her head and muttered something. Then she raised her chin, and I knew I wasn’t going to like what came next.

“Unlike you, Grim,” her tone was now very calm, “I’m not a whore.” Her words struck home. “Benny is a friend, and I told you that. I drew the line in the sand from the very start that I was not interested in being with anyone but you.” She chuckled darkly. “How stupid was I?”

“That’s it!” Mom waved her hands. “Everyone out!” She looked at me and shook her head. I knew she wasn’t happy with me. “Go clear your head. It might do you some good.” I moved quickly out the door, and Mom closed it, leaving her and Kenna alone. I moved across the hall and let my back hit the wall as her words echoed around my brain.Pregnant.

“She only found out last night.” Sienna came up to me and joined me on the wall. “I spotted the signs and had her take a test.” She smiled. “You know what she did when she read the results?”

“What?” Did I really want to know?

“For a few moments, she allowed herself to be happy. She cried and smiled and hoped it would be a boy. She wanted to look into his eyes and see you.” She chuckled. “Or maybe she just wants you to meet your match.”

“That sounds more like her,” I admitted, then something strange went through me, and I pushed off the wall.


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