Page 34 of Sins

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“Half the city of Los Angeles is looking to take Allen down.” Cameron tilted his head at Kurt. “What’s makes this guy a good fit to be my PI?”

“I’ve lived with this guy for nearly six years.” Kurt dropped his arm to the table like he was frustrated Cameron even questioned him. “It’s my job to observe, inspect, and recruit for the Potens in this hole. Besides there’s an up-and-comer in the Devil’s Reach, goes by the name Brick. I wonder what he did to get that name.” He chuckled. “Anyway, he’s real close with Allen’s son Trigger, who took over the pres seat since Allen’s MIA. Your new PI did a few jobs with this guy Brick’s brother. It could be an in.”

Kurt gave me a nod, and I pushed my glasses up my nose.

“His real name’s Matt Montgomery.” I let that sink in, but when he didn’t react, I added. “He’s been searching for his brother for years. When the time’s right, I can tell him where he is, and maybe we can use it as leverage or something.” The skin around Cameron’s eyes smoothed out and I could see he was intrigued.

“You can find him, even after all this time?”


“All right, then,” he quickly closed the file, “let’s get you out of here.”

The smell of sweat, sewage, and human cattle jolted me out of my memory. My knees went weak as we walked through the second door to where the solitary inmates were held.

“I still can’t believe you talked me into this,” Cameron muttered as he showed his ID for the third time since we arrived. “It’s not safe.”

“Avoiding a client who’s more powerful behind bars than he is out isn’t safe,” I reminded him. “He’s been trying to call you for nearly a month. You’re lucky it’s just a call and not something else.”

Mr. Griple’s dark eyes glared at Cameron as we took our seats behind the glass. I was happy for the layer of protection, but I wasn’t stupid. I knew what kind of pull men like Griple had, and we were anything but safe.

Griple jumped right in. “So, here I am in a fuckin’ jumpsuit, and you sit there in your fancy Swiss suit looking like a fat pimp.”

“I’m working on your case?—”

He hit the glass and we both jumped. “Don’t lie to me! You promised I wouldn’t spend more than a few nights in here, that you had that fool Martin Castillo all set to take the fall. You couldn’t even make that happen!”

“I had no idea Grim Gates planned on taking him out. If I had?—"

“You’d what?” His eyes burned. “You’d send out a hit?” He laughed. “I heard what happened the last time you sent out a hit.”

“Such an ass,” Cameron muttered behind his hand, and I kicked him to warn him to be careful.

Griple’s face turned to stone, and I pressed my heels into the floor, waiting for the fire to come.

“Ten years ago, you promised my uncle would walk free. He didn’t even make it the first night in this shit hole.” He waved around. “You sold yourself to us that you were the best, that youcould get anyone out, but you didn’t come through, did you?” He stabbed his finger against the glass. “Then when we came to collect, you bargained like the little weasel you are and said you had the Gateses in your pocket, that you’d earned his trust after he got sick, so the Potens sat back and waited. We provided you with what you needed to take them down along with that fucking Devil’s Reach. And you know where that got us?” Spit flew from his lips. “My nephew gets killed by that rat bastard, that’s what!”

“Sasha went too far,” Cameron interrupted, and I put a hand on his arm. This was bad.

“No, you son of a bitch!” Griple slammed his fist into the table, and I noticed one of the guards looked over, but he didn’t make a move. Again, the power of money. “Youwent too far, and now it’s time for you to pay up.”

Oh, shit.

“Which daughter?”

My stomach bottomed out.

“Which daughter?” He repeated his words without so much as a blink.

“Kenna.” Cameron didn’t miss a beat as he sealed the fate of his own daughter to this monster.

“Cameron!” I blurted then flinched at my outburst as Griple looked at me. I took a deep breath and moved back as far as I could into the chair. I felt sick as he swung his attention back to Cameron.

“Firstborn, it is.” He pressed his lips together and nodded.

I couldn’t form a word as we exited the prison, and it wasn’t until I ripped open the car door that everything hit me.

“How could you do that?” I felt my anger burn a hole in my stomach. “She’s your daughter.”

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