Page 23 of Sins

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I grinned. “Let’s take him down.”

It wasn’t until three that I felt human again, and maybe it was because of the burger I swallowed down with no shame at the Iron Bar with Salazar.

“Can I ask you something?” I downed some lemon water.

He leaned back in his chair and seemed more relaxed now that we’d found some shade and food. “Is it about last night and where it was we met?”

“No, we don’t ever need to discuss that night.”

He smiled. “Then ask away.”

I dabbed my mouth with the napkin. “How are you and Yen Hong?”

“Better, actually.” He thanked the waiter who took his plate away. “We even had lunch the other day.”

“I’m impressed.” I dove into my fries.

“To be honest, so am I. Yen isn’t the most forgiving man. But I think he knows what happened wasn’t intentional, and that I don’t conduct business that way. I didn’t mean to take his business deal from him, but business is shady in our world, and we can’t always predict what a seller is capable of.” He ran a hand through his hair. “I also appreciate that you said something to him.”

I held up my hands, but he tilted his head to show he knew. “I hope I didn’t overstep, but I was in Hong Kong, and we got to talking.”

“It means a lot that you had my back. You’re good people, Kenna.”

“Kenna!” Grim’s sharp voice made me jump in my seat. I looked up and saw he wore quite the usual scowl. “Excuse the interruption, but I need to steal Kenna away.”

“Of course.” Salazar sat straighter. “Is everything all right, Mr. Gates?”

“No.” Grim held out a hand and helped me stand. “Enjoy the rest of your day.”

I threw an apologetic smile to Salazar as Grim pulled me toward the car where his driver, Cartwright, waited with the door open. I slipped inside and held myself back from blasting him until I had a better handle on what was going on.

I didn’t react as Grim sat and snatched my purse from where it lay on my lap. Cartwright took off so quickly I lurched in my seat, and Grim’s free hand landed on my lap as if to anchor me. Once the car hit the main road, he removed my phone and hit the screen. “Ah, so, it is working.” I noticed several missed calls from him.

“I was with a client.” I plucked it from his hand. “What the hell is going on?”

“Repercussions, that’s what.”

I wasn’t following. “What the hell does that mean?” I felt my temper simmer as he refused to answer.

We turned down a familiar side street and came to a stop. Grim gave me a strange look as if trying to decide about something then opened the door and waited for me to follow. I hesitated as a cold feeling crept over me and replaced my anger. I stepped out and headed toward him but stayed a foot or so back. I followed his gaze, and that was when I saw Tracy. Her body had been thrown among the trash. Her freckled face was stark white above the terrible red slash at her throat. I saw her mouth had been taped shut.

“Oh, my God,” I whispered, “we’re only a block from Minnie’s club.” I covered my mouth as I felt my stomach roll. “I did this. I paid her to say where I was.”

“No,” Grim growled, “Potens did it.” He pointed to the figure drawn roughly on her forearm with black marker. Just like Leo’s. “I did warn you there’d be consequences, Kenna.” At my reaction, he seemed to relent a little and put a hand on my shoulder. “Let’s go. Jesse’ll be here with the police any minute.”

I let him direct me back to the car, and once inside, he draped his arm along the back of the seat. “I showed you that because it could have been you.”

“I know,” I looked out the window as a shiver went through me, “but she deserved it.” I wanted to justify it. “She took that video of me killing Matt and sold it to him.”

“That she did.” His fingers fiddled with the strap of my dress. “That being said, you see why I want you to sleep at my place?”

“No, I really don’t.” I wasn’t in the right frame of mind to argue, however, and let it go. Thankfully, Cartwright pulled up to Indulge, and I hopped out before Grim could hold me hostage.

“Ding-dong, the bitch is gone.” Minnie grabbed my arm as I entered the lobby. “You good? Because, really, who are we to stand in the way of destiny?”

“I moved out of the way.” I chuckled darkly. “We might be able to find a lead on someone’s camera when he dumped the speckled bitch.”

“Kenna,” Grim growled from behind me, but I kept walking, and he turned and headed toward the elevator.

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