Page 99 of Havoc

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They?I didn’t miss a beat and pushed by him into the room. I wondered who the hell was in there with Leal. When those legs came into view, I knew exactly who it was. I swallowed back my anger when I saw them. Her arm was draped over Leal’s shoulder, and they were both fast asleep. When I whispered to him, he lifted his head for a moment and whimpered. Relief flooded through me as I realized he was okay. I stroked him between the ears and spoke to him quietly.

I reached out to stroke her arm then pulled it back sharply.

“Kenna.” Her eyes fluttered open, then she quickly sat up and blinked to focus in the dim light.

“Oh, I didn’t know when to expect you.”

“Well, I’m here now.”

“So you are.” She slipped on her shoes as I took off my jacket and tossed it on the chair. I sat heavily next to it and sighed deeply. I was exhausted.

“On your way out, tell Jason he can go.”

“After all this, you’re being an ass?” she snapped.

“Did you expect anything different?” I shot back.

“You’re welcome.” She dripped with sarcasm as she flicked a pair of orange panties toward me with the toe of her shoe.

“Fuck,” I muttered under my breath.

She went back to the bed and leaned over Leal to whisper in his ear, then she headed for the door.

“He’s all yours,” she huffed as Jesse came into the room.

“Are you sure you want to watch this again?” Jesse hesitated briefly then handed me the laptop when I flicked my fingers at him.

He set a drink next to me as I pressed play. The hotel surveillance video came up on the screen. I watched the man who had ‘marked’ me enter the hotel. He watched me for a few minutes then made his move. I saw him bump into me and slip the tarot card into my jacket pocket. He left seconds later with his phone to his ear.

“Any word on the plates of that car?” I turned to Jesse, who watched from the bed where he’d settled next to Leal.

“Nothing yet.” His voice was low so as not to disturb the dog.

I turned back to the video and continued to watch. Paige’s mouth never stopped as she and Leo waited for the elevator. As she talked, I watched my brother pat himself down and pull out the tarot card. He flipped it over then shrugged and put it back in the pocket. He continued to pat himself down until he located his keycard. It was in his back pants pocket. As the doors opened, Leo stumbled, and Paige grabbed his arm and they laughed together. I watched again as the two men got into the elevator with them.

“I just don’t get it. What kind of hit man fucks up their mark that badly? I’m all tatted up, but my brother doesn’t have a single tattoo.”

“Remember, these guys go off very little detail. They get a text, a dollar amount and first come first served on the kill. They saw him pull out the card and figured he had to be the mark. It’s not the first time, and it won’t be the last.”

I downed the rest of my drink in one angry swallow and pulled back my arm to throw the glass at the wall but stopped short as Jesse suddenly stood.

“They’re here.” He went to the door and opened it. Brick came inside with Zhar and removed his leash. Zhar padded directly toward me, and I gave him an ear rub.

“Hi, buddy. I’m so glad you’re okay.” He sensed Leal and went over to the bed and jumped up and settled next to his brother. I saw their feet touch, then Leal whimpered and pulled his paw away.

“The vet’s going to call you tomorrow, but he’s fine.” Brick leaned against the wall. “Sorry about Darcy.”

“The family’s been contacted. Laurel’s already sent flowers,” Jesse said to Brick. “They’ll let us know when the funeral’s going to be.”

“Trig wants to meet down below tomorrow. Between Leo and now this, things are so fucked up right now.” Brick shook his head as he spoke. I saw him glance at Jesse when I didn’t comment. I didn’t trust my voice at that moment. Brick turned to the door. “See ya then.”

I turned back to the video once Brick left and rewatched the part where the two men followed Leo and Paige down the hall and, as they stumbled to unlock the door, they were shoved into the room. I fast forwarded the video to where I could have saved my brother but chose Kenna.

“You couldn’t have known, Grim.” Jesse’s voice was quiet.

I slammed the laptop shut and muttered that I needed sleep.

My eyes popped a moment before my alarm went off. Sleep had found me, but it had come with a cost. I relived that video over and over in my dreams. Every version was different, but they all ended the same. Leo was murdered, and I’d chosen sex over saving him. Zhar was tucked against my side; he stretched with a yawn and wagged his stub when his eyes met mine. They were never allowed on the bed, so I knew he was eating it up.

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