Page 96 of Havoc

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Wait. What?

“No, Benny, that’s Sonny Conti. He’s from Chicago.”

“Trust me, I’m very aware of who Sonny Conti is.”

“But I only just met him this past year. I signed him as a client.” Something prickled at the back of my neck, and I tried to sort out the confusion.

“You might not have known him, but he sure knew who you were. He and your father go way back. I’ll never forget the time I bumped into them at a bourbon club in Venice. I was with my father, and Sonny made a point of making sure I knew I wasn’t welcome in your world.”

“Sonny Conti?” I repeated. I wasn’t getting it. “He’s known my father for years? Told you to back off from me? Back when we were in high school?” This didn’t make any sense.


“And you’re a hundred percent certain that the Sonny you’re talking about is the same man five tables over by the window?”


“But that’s impossible.” I couldn’t grasp the idea. I never remembered ever seeing Sonny at my home or with my father.

“Excuse me.” Jayden was suddenly at my side. He cleared his throat in that irritating way he often did when he wasn’t pleased about something. “Kenna, a word, please.”

“Um, Jayden, I have the night, off and obviously I’m busy with someone.” He didn’t even glance at Benny.

“Trust me, you want to hear this.”

“Jayden, my head is?—”

“Kenna.” His expression was serious.

“All right.” I looked back at Benny. “I’m sorry, but can you excuse me a moment?”

“Of course.” He eyed Jayden who stood, obviously agitated, by our table.

“Kenna,” he whispered as I got close. “Someone’s targeted Grim’s dogs.” I turned to look at him straight on. “Darcy took them out tonight for their walk and she didn’t come back. There’s footage of someone jumping her out front in the parking lot. Leal got away, but Darcy and Zhar were taken.”

“What?” My head spun.

“Trigger’s right outside.” He leaned in. “Kenna, I don’t know if Leal made it.”

“Benny,” I whirled around, “I have to deal with something important. We’re going to have to do a raincheck.”

“Can I help?” He stood, but I grabbed my purse and hurried away without looking over my shoulder. I heard his voice behind me. “I’ll call you.”

I tried to focus on my steps as I wound through the busy restaurant, not wanting to draw attention to myself. Jayden was hot on my heels as we hit the parking lot, but slowed to a halt as we approached Trigger.

“Leal’s hurt. He went that way.” Trigger pointed down the strip. “Minnie and Tess are already walking the alleyways, but I want you to look too. Leal likes you. He might respond to your voice.”

“Yeah, okay.” I turned to look at Jayden and saw Benny fast approaching. “Can you intercept?”

“Fuck.” Trigger looked like he wanted to say more but thankfully didn’t.

“Where the fuck are Grim’s guys?” He seemed to remember that not everything was right in our world either.

“Trigger,” I shook my head, “I got this.” I had to assume Jesse’s security team was somewhere nearby, but I didn’t have time to think.

“Yeah.” He understood now wasn’t the time to pussy hold me.

He answered his phone. “What? Good. Kenna, we’ve got eyes on the van that took the girl and Zhar.” He fired up his bike, and people all around looked over. “Call me if you find him.” He roared off while I ran in the opposite direction.

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