Page 61 of Havoc

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“Yeah, okay.” I pulled a blanket from the side of the couch up over my chilled body and tried to remember everything while I secretly realized I felt uneasy that Grim was leaving.


Istudied Dad’s expression as Hanna’s video played on the laptop. I’d been the one who had tampered with the original in Leo’s office. I’d made a copy for myself. I couldn’t risk he or Kenna might slip up. Leo meant well but showed his emotions on his face, and Kenna was reckless at the best of times. We needed to make sure our next few moves were played out perfectly. One wrong move, and we could tilt the table.

“I see.” Dad closed the laptop and leaned back in thought as I unfrosted the glass. The view out across the hall and over the city came into sharp focus. “I’m not surprised by much anymore, but this certainly was unexpected. Do we know if Cameron was behind that order? Or is Simon working for someone else completely and was told to give Sasha that order?”

“At this point, I’ve no idea. Simon was the last face I expected to see on there.” I shifted in my seat as I thought how many times I’d seen him watching Kenna. He obviously didn’t think I’d noticed. “There’s a part of me that thinks Sonny could be behind it.” I wanted him to be the one. I could picture myself breaking every bone in that ugly body.

“He face-planted into his Lamborghini and dented the hood last night.” Dad tried to hide how much that entertained him. “Your mother gifted me that video clip this morning.” He chuckled darkly. “For some reason, I don’t think Sonny was behind this one, son. He was overheard talking to Tony Farrell about Matt’s sister and how she needs money for her son’s medical bills. I think Sonny just went off the deep end last night.”

“Maybe.” I rubbed my lips in thought.

“I have to say,” Dad turned the laptop, so it pointed away from the hallway windows, “this part makes me wonder if he was actually looking out for Kenna as opposed to anything malicious.” He pressed play, and Simon’s voice could be heard.

“I need you to watch over her. He’s unpredictable right now, and I can’t have her walking around without…” The rest was muffled.

Dad turned the video off. “I don’t know Simon well enough to say he’s good or not.”

“I guess time will tell.”

“Do what you must to get that answer. We don’t need anything happening to her.”

“Agreed.” I could think of a few inventive ways to get Simon to talk, but I pushed the delightful thoughts away for now. “Do we have any idea when the great Fentanyl Father will be arriving in town?”

“I believe he arrives this morning.”

My fingers curled into fists at the idea of him being here when I’m not.

“Convenient timing.”

“Indeed.” Dad suddenly pulled out a handkerchief from his breast pocket and dabbed his forehead, and I instantly jumped up and got him some water. “Thanks.” He let out a tired cough. I sat back down next to him as the door opened.

“I’m fine, son,” Dad reassured me, and I shot a glare at the person who dared interrupt us, but it quickly faded as I saw Kenna. She had her face turned as she spoke over her shoulder.

“I need to draw the line here, Dad.” She seemed exasperated as she walked into the office. “I have no interest in going to dinner with him tonight.” She jumped when she saw us sitting at the conference table. “Oh, my goodness,” she checked the time on her phone, “I’m sorry, Mr. Gates. I thought we’d be way early. Please excuse the intrusion.” She looked embarrassed. “Did I have the time wrong? I thought this room would be free.”

“No apologies needed.” Dad gave her a warm smile as he wiped his mouth. “Grim and I just needed to go over our notes from our morning meeting.” He handed me a file and stood. “Let’s get these off to them before tonight, son.”

“Sure, Dad.” He seemed slower in his movements than normal, and it didn’t go unnoticed by Cameron.Fucking parasite.

“Let me help you.” Cameron held it open, and I heard him offer to help walk Dad to his office. Once they left, Kenna glanced at me.

“I was going to get the table set up for Mr. Ines. Would it be best if I come back?”

“Morey Ines?”

“Yes,” she answered with a questioning look. I couldn’t help but think what a snake Cameron was for bringing him here. “He called my cell and asked if he could meet with me. Something about a client.”That’s unexpected. “Is it a bad time, Grim? Should I come back?”

“No,” I waved at her, “I’m almost done.” I let my mind run for a moment. “Does your father know Morey Ines is the client you’re seeing today?”

“No. Dad’s on a rampage with a more important client right now.” She finger-quoted then cleared her throat as the door opened behind us. “Okay.” She set the pile of note pads and files she’d brought on the table. “Let’s see,” she muttered to herself.

“Kenna.” Cameron’s voice was annoyed.

“You have my answer, Cameron.” She kept her head focused on her task.

“Well, this time I’m going to override you.” He made my blood boil. “His son likes you and wants to take you to drinks at Alibi. I need this client happy, McKenna. You’ll do this.”

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