Page 6 of Havoc

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“I don’t know.” I slowly moved across the room. “Now,” I swiped at my eyes again and pulled back the covers on the bed. “I’ve had a shitty last forty hours, and all I want to do is sleep, so, if you don’t mind.”

“You have a concussion? Because you slept all day.”

“No, and how do you know that?”

“Minnie told me, plus Grim saw you leave. I slept in the van last night. Figured I’d break in once I knew you were up.”

“That’s reassuring,” I muttered.

“I found Grim out on the rooftop after I looked for you.” I glanced away and carefully slid under the covers. “Yeah.” He gave me a look with raised eyebrows. “He thought you left the fundraiser because you were upset about him and that girl he fucks sometimes.” He rolled his eyes, and I gave a sarcastic huff. He waited for an answer, but I didn’t offer one. His gaze flicked to my side. “He watched the video from the parking lot.”

“I figured he would.”

He snagged my phone off the table and held it up. “So, who’d you call when you were getting’ in your car to come here?” I went still, and I knew he saw me swallow. “Whoever it was,” he unlocked my phone, “made you look over your shoulder while you talked.”

“Natural reaction for what I’d just been through.”

“Maybe,” he looked at the number without a name attached to it, “but what did you mean by ‘I’ll do it?’”

I wished the drug would hit me now. I hated the attention this whole terrible situation had brought me. I didn’t like to feel so vulnerable.

“Grim knows you made a phone call,” he repeated. “He’s gonna ask you about it. Who was it, Kenna? Who upset you like that?” I rolled on my back and hoped the weed would hurry and take the throb out of my side and help to numb my thoughts. “Kenna?—”

“Morgan,” I fought hard not to tell my friend, “please, don’t ask.” I sniffed then dabbed out the joint. “This entire thing is so much.” I rubbed my chest. “It’s like dominos, you know? I’m just trying to keep them from all crashing down.” I paused to catch my breath. “I’m just trying to keep it all together.”

“Fuck! Okay.” He sighed heavily, toed off his boots, and laid his cut on a chair then crawled into bed with me. He was careful to tuck the covers in around me, then he settled and lay there quietly on top of the covers. I could hear his slow breaths as we both stared at the ceiling and listened to the house sounds. I matched the rhythm of his breathing, and it helped slow the panic I held inside. I relished that he was with me, and I wasn’t alone.

“Make me laugh,” I begged. He was always so good at that.

“Rail crashed a wedding at Indulge couple nights ago. Thought he went back to the room with the maid of honor, but it was actually the bride’s grandmother.” Morgan said it in a deadpan voice, and I started to laugh despite the stabbing pain in my side. “I’m unsure how he made that mix-up.”

“Do you think he noticed before or after she took out her false teeth?”

“I think it was after he helped her into her fluffy floral dressing gown.” He made me laugh harder, but soon the humor faded away and we were left in silence again. “Can I ask you something?” He got up on his elbow.

“Depends.” I used the back of my hand to clear the tears that insisted on outing my nerves.

“Are you really okay?”

I huffed out a long breath and craned my neck to look up at him, but I couldn’t find the words. I just shook my head. My chin quivered, and I put my hand on my mouth.

“Okay.” He pulled the blanket tighter around me, and I curled into his side. After a few minutes, he pulled out his phone and I saw he had a text. He waited a few minutes, most likely hoping I’d fallen asleep.

He unlocked his phone, and I read the screen.

Grim: Update.

Morgan: I’m spending the night.

Grim: Is she okay?

Morgan’s thumb hovered over the letters, and as my eyes grew heavy, I saw him text.

Morgan: Far from it.

* * *

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