Page 44 of Havoc

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“Grim’s friend Elio caught that Tieri guy. The one who was working with the old bat from the opposite syndicate.”

“Rosa, and no, I hadn’t heard.”Interesting.“Where’d they find him?”

“Ready for this?” He kicked his feet up on the table, and I glared at his lack of respect for Cameron’s office. “He was working out of Martin Castillo’s beach house.”

I stilled. What were the odds of that?

“So how did Mr. Capri come to find out this information?”

“My brother.” Knox leaned over and fiddled with the wooden chess pieces. “Yup, big brother Grim came to the rescue and caught a win for the Italian mafia.” He laughed a nasty laugh, and I pulled down my glasses and studied him.

“If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you held a little hostility toward your brother.”

He pulled out a bottle of Jack Daniel’s from his jacket pocket and took a swig. Then he began to look at the Mexico photos of the DR at Castillo’s place. “I guess when your parents constantly measure your success against someone who's fucking unbeatable,” he picked up a photo, “it tends to get old.”

“Yes, I guess that would be frustrating. Walking in his shadow, I mean.” I watched him empty more amber into his belly and tapped my pen on the desk. I pulled open my drawer and read the label on the prescription medication. “Want something to make you feel better?”

“I’m listening.” I opened the bottle and gave him three white tablets.

“It’s—” He tossed them back with gulp of Jack.Okay. “If you’re looking for Calli, I heard she’s at the spa this morning. I think she told her father she’d be back around eleven.”

“Fuck,” he groaned, “maybe I’ll go to the strip joint.”

“Why don’t you hang around here for a bit? You look like you could use a few minutes of shuteye.”

“Sleep’s for the weak,” he muttered and sounded annoyed, but he didn’t move and soon lay back and stared at the ceiling. I wondered how often Knox actually stopped to give his body time to recoup from all the drinking and drugs he took. He sure looked like he needed it.

Suddenly, something hit me, and I jumped up and crossed the room to look at the photo he’d picked up.

“When your parents measure your success to someone who's unbeatable, it tends to grow old…”

I blinked at the jacket and studied the man with his back to the camera. The photos weren’t the best. They must have been taken with a shitty cell phone and shared a few times before we got them. I sat down on the edge of the couch where Knox lay.

“If you’re going to touch me, can it wait until after I pass out?” he crudely joked, and I dismissed his juvenile behavior.

“Knox,” I held the photo up so he could see it, “do you know who that is?”

“Sure,” he blinked slowly, “it’s Grim.”


“Why was Grim there?”

“Probably making history by killing the notorious drug lord.” As his eyes fluttered closed, I felt the air get sucked out of the room.

“Hey,” I hit his arm to jerk him back to me, “do you know if it was Grim who killed Castillo?”

“Yes! Now piss off and leave me be.” He rolled his head toward the back of the couch.

I pulled out my phone and texted Cameron. He could be the one who tells his client Griple why he’ll be in prison for life.

Simon: I found out who killed Martin Castillo. It was Grim Gates.

I looked up from my phone and puffed out some air as I felt the storm inch even closer.


Itucked my arm under my head and stared at the stars that littered the sky. The top of the RV was a perfect spot to lie when at these parties. I was social, but I needed alone time to think. I’d left the dogs inside with Jesse, who also needed space to work on figuring out what Sonny was doing. We needed to find someone to take the fall, and preferably someone we could also pin Castillo’s murder on. It wasn’t a far stretch to have it be one person. Our worlds were interconnected enough. We just needed to get a solid story in place and not talk about it too much. A problem like this usually just took money to make it go away, but that wouldn’t work this time.

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